State Of the Union North Korea Psyop!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The State Of the Union speech by Trump was a Psyop to promote public support for war with North Korea. I will be doing a video on it soon (probably up tomorrow) They even had this Seong-Ho guy with his 'Holocaust' type horror story, then had him stand up with his old crutches to create a visual image people can unite behind. This reminds me of "Babies in the incubators" for going after Iraq, and gassed kids in Syria for, well you know what they did there. #FalseFalgAlert



South Korean people want peace with the North.They actively looking for ways to reconcile.Their ice hockey team united for the Olympics, first time since decades.A clear sign of both countries intention.If we start a war with the North,we will lose the South as an ally (in my opinion)

Thats an interesting take, loosing the ROK as an ally if the US goes to war with the DPRK. Although I personally don't agree, just based on the amount of influence the US has there. That would be a curious turn of events. I would also keep China, as the wild card, in mind. Also, just considering the behavior of the people in DPRK, there would appear to be a big divide between the Kim regime and the supportive class versus the outlying people of the country. The hockey team is good for the unification, in terms of the social effort, but from a political or military perspective I cant be certain that it really has an impact. I think its business as usual over there.

The real reasons why the US want war with North Korea:

  1. They are one of the last countries left,where the central bank is not owned by the Rothschild family.

2.Under their hills they have untapped mineral resources,worth about 6 trillion US dollar.

  1. They are mining cryptocurrencies like crazy,because they wanna drop the US dollar and avoid more sanctions.

I can dig this. There only 3 countries left and they are all the shit list. As for the minerals, the only issue is the US would screw up somewhere in policy making and allow for a some other country to come in and mine and they would get nothing.

I agree it felt like that was his goal then that usa chant sealed it

Looking forward to the video.

Donald Trump - scumbag of the Zionist Jews.

The world is a stage. It's good to see people like yourself exposing the lies.

so how does it feel, having been that wrong now?