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RE: The Death Star Weapon of Star Wars is Real and Already Here ! Was Directed Energy Weaponary used against Americans in Northern California ?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Yes mate I've been looking into this myself. No way on Earth this was a natural event.
Trees burning from the inside!? Cars melted!
Star Wars is definately here my man and it ain't just the west. Russian and Chinese military tech is way ahead of ours, if it wasn't the psychos in DC would be making threats.
Great post Dude.


So what are we saying then here ? That Northern California was attacked by a military weapon with a destructive capicity the likes we have never seen !! Man this really is about the most frightening thing i have ever seen in m,y life ! As indeed what can protect anybody anywhere from such a weapon ?? So who is the culprit ?? foreign of dometic in your opinion ?? Anyway who cares as either way at least 41 people were turned to dust as they slept in their homes !! Looking at the images I feel its alot more than that too !! Media silent on this as ever !!! wtf !!!!!!!

The media are just a propaganda arm of the govt now.
What and who do you think did this in Tianjin a few years ago?

No way it was an explosion, check out all the melted cars!
Maybe California was payback??

yes well this looks definately like a militarised attack ! This was sold as being an explosion as i recall !! Its awhile back, but the thing is this Californian fire is being reported as a natural wildfire,not an industrial plant explosion ! Melted cars in your cited example is more possible, but come a woodfire could never possibly reach 3000 degrees the temp that steel and aluminium melt!! But agreed this could be a laser style hit too !

I don't know the answers buddy, I just know that there is an asymetric war going on behind the scenes. Is it countries at war? I don't think so.
That leaves other controlling entities above national governments or out of control agencies working for oligharical families like the Bush's.
I suspect it's all about the battle for the dollar, it's dying a slow lingering death and the bankers will do anything to keep the Ponzi scheme going.
Expect more chaos and mayhem.

Yes for sure I agree with your use of the term " asymetric" its totally that !! A war with no rules or discernable enemy ! But it would seem that this enemy has the Human Race in its cross-hairs, but then should we be so surprised since 911 was the sign to the world that this war had begun ! thankyou for your great input as ever on my post @trememendospercy )