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RE: FISA Reauthorization Delayed, But The Fight Against The Deep State Continues

in #news7 years ago

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testified under oath that the NSA was not carrying out blanket surveillance of American Citizens. Shortly after Edward Snowden showed the world how the NSA truly operates. Yet the only person held accountable was Snowden, the truth teller. There is something very telling when the constitutional rights of all Americans are violated and the only person held accountable is the person who exposed the actual crimes. America has been run by criminals for a long time. I saw that Adam was arrested. It wouldn't surprise me if the spy state was involved. People who promote liberty are the greatest threat to tyrants. I don't agree with everything Adam believes in, or you for that matter, but I will proudly stand by the side of and prop up anyone who promotes liberty, the shrinking or abolishment of government, and a return to natural law.


" I don't agree with everything Adam believes in, or you for that matter, but I will proudly stand by the side of and prop up anyone who promotes liberty, the shrinking or abolishment of government, and a return to natural law."

I can't fault you for that!