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RE: Chaos Out of Order

in #news8 years ago

As I warned about two years ago in my published novel, the powers that shouldn't be are setting the stage for the final social cataclysm, the ultimate chaos to usher in a New World Order. As Kissinger just said at the WEF Forum in Davos, the "disintegration of the old order" is in full swing. Now I fear they may have the guy in office to kick off the final social cataclysm which I believe will start between Israel and Iran.

Trumps ties to Israel, via his financial backers and the incredible amount of Khazarian Mafia (Ashkenazi Jews) in his inner circle is unbelievable: Link

As for ties to Iran, Russia has signed a defensive treaty with Iran: Link. Also China is heavily dependent on Iranian Oil, and Russia and China are being forced together by Nato's encirclement plan, encircling Russia and China with missile defense systems.

I see these things, and I know of the elite's order from chaos plan, and I worry. However, if we expose them I think we can force them to alter course.

Peace. Great article Corbett.


Talking about Davos, the 3 next pandemics have supposedly been named there. That is according to Jon Rappoport (starting at 31:00):

@titusfrost Scary how much I agree :) Just wanted to add Trump's majority of cabinet picks are completely anti-Iran full of BS propaganda.

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