China builds up its presence in the Arctic and Antarctic

in #news7 years ago

Back in 2013, the State Administration for Tourism of the PRC issued a set of rules that Chinese citizens overseas must observe.


Some countries are already seriously linking the intensification of China's tourist activity on the planet's poles with the country's plans for the expansion of these regions. Such thoughts are expressed by representatives of the Arctic states and countries - parties to the Antarctic Treaty of 1959. In part, these arguments are correct, since in accordance with the foreign policy of the PRC's global presence, the Arctic and Antarctic vectors are considered by the authorities as one of the highest priorities.

As early as 2014, the head of the State Administration for Ocean Affairs of the People's Republic of China, Liu Ziyu, wrote: "Today we are already at the initial stage of a completely new historical era, striving to become the power of the polar region."

Not long ago, Liu Nengye wrote a work that aroused great interest in China. It was called the "White Book".The author writes that although China plans to comply with the international legal regime in the region.