How to relay information out of Turkey

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Someone encouraged me to make an information post about ways one could get information out of Turkey. If you are in Turkey, this is for you. If you're outside of Turkey but are in touch with Turkish friends via other channels than the Internet, this might be useful information to relay to them:

  1. Rumors are circulating that social media blocking can be bypassed by using a custom DNS server. Instructions for connecting to an OpenNIC server can be found here. You can use one of the OpenNIC servers, or Google's DNS servers at and If you are successful, get on Twitter and start tweeting news with the #turkey hashtag.
  2. HTTPS connections can be more difficult to block than plain HTTP connections. Try to see if blocked sites work via HTTPS, for example:
  3. Attempt to connect to IRC and relay information there. There is a ##turkey channel on FreeNode which could probably be co-opted for this purpose.
  4. Attempt to connect to social media via the Tor Project.
  5. If all else fails, and you know anyone who owns a satellite phone, these are fairly difficult to jam or disable. Use it to get in touch with a person who can relay information onto the Internet and let them know what's happening.
  6. If you know a radio amateur, get in touch with them and have them relay information. WebSDR receivers in Greece may be able to pick up Turkish transmissions given correct atmospheric conditions. Portable/vehicle transmitters are best for this, since transmitter positions can be triangulated by the authorities given enough time. You don't want to be transmitting for long stretches of time from a single location. Also, given the situation, you may want to NOT identify yourself with a callsign.

Feel free to contribute further tips and tricks below!