
I am PROUD that I didn't vote for her!

It is all my fault. I have been voting for the Green Party since Bill Clinton ran for PResident.
At least they tell me this every election, where someone I vote for loses.

At least you now understand!!!. In no way does the responsibility lie with any politician to offer workable and realistic policies to help improve peoples lives. It is your responsibility to vote for people that treat you with contempt each and every day while they suck all the good out of the world. (sarcasm)

How could we've been all so blind?!? I see the truth now, thank yah cruel politician for yer merciless beatings and scoldings! Where would I be without yah treating me like a sack of crap! (sarcasm)

In this sickened USA, it's no wonder that people get disenfranchised and refuse to even make mock votes for joke candidates (like Vermin Supreme). It's great people are loosing faith in the political economy of the USA, now we have a chance to bring more people to our side and radicalize them. Any chance we get to build ourselves we must exploit it, any chance they get to reestablish themselves we must make null and void as quick as possible (may AQAP be a new acronym for the net ASAP?) for our sake. In any case, we got a duty to show them the alternatives to Capitalism and don't make them doubt their doubts on the system.

Not only did half of Milwaukee Minorities not vote, but if you look at the caption under the image you have 00:58 you can read, "Justin Babar, seat at center, said he voted for Donald J Trump as a protest against Hillary Clinton.".

That is a far cry from NOT VOTING at all?

My feelings are that we can now elect a 3rd party candidate, because Trump came off like a 3rd Party guy. He roasted the Republican status quo by calling them out and NOT acting like a politician.

Granted, it didn't take long for him to start acting a little bit like a status quo Rep. But, every molecule in my body tells me we'd all be sucking radiation right now if Hillary won. To me she represents the mad elites who thought the Hunger Games films was comedy.

One of the things that has been bothering me since Trump got in however, has been the droves of Republicans who can't shut up about how bad the Dems & the Left has become. I mean damn! How short are people's memories? It was only a few POTUSes ago that a Republican lied his ass off and attacked Iraq.

And lets face it, both establishment Dems and Reps wouldn't think twice about all the maimed and dead veterans if there is a profit involved for them.

Really want to see a real 3rd party POTUS win. How hard can it be today with the instant media we have for a guy to speak the truth and win with that?

If Hillary had won, we would be in TPP, Syria would be facing decades of war and we would have invaded Iran.

My friend who lived in a rich area close to D.C. were having a discussion after the Primaries ended. I told her if Hillary became the nomination, Trump would win and she looked at me like I was crazy. I explained to her that no one liked Hillary, especially after what the DNC did in the Primary. People are disgusted by her based on her personality & bad history. I told her give people a reason to vote for her besides, "I'm not Trump," and all she said was that's all she needed because how bad Trump is.

I didn't vote in this election because if you're going to force me to vote between 2 horrible candidates & shame me into voting for that candidate rather than trying to earn my vote, then you don't deserve it.