Pro or anti gun ownership, the power of the NRA should concern you.

in #news7 years ago

It's easy to come across as condescending as a foreigner when you comment on America's gun problem. I understand that it is a country which was founded on gun ownership.


However, it's clear to me that the huge lobbying power of the NRA represents a real problem for America. The vast majority of Americans support increased background checks and the prohibition of semi automatic weapons, such as the one which caused such atrocities in a school in Florida recently.

The NRA ultimately succeed in pushing an agenda opposed by the majority of Americans by throwing money at politicians, Marco Rubio being the largest recipient.

The lives of Americans have to come first, but Congress is firmly under the control of whoever lines their pockets with legal bribery - lobbying. The NRA dominate earmarking processes when it comes to gun regulation, just as Wall Street essentially write in new financial regulations to suit them.

America's inability to pass sensible gun legislation, like so many other issues, is just a case of financial interests commanding so-called democratic representatives. It's a depressing mess caused by greedy old men.


I believe that prevention informed by the vast amount of empirical knowledge in psychology and child rearing available is significantly more effective than laws and regulations. Peaceful parenting, training win-win negotiation skills and unconditional positive regard is the shit. Nearly all violence originates in early experiences and inadequate parenting.

Pretty crazy amount of money taken by politicians:

Greedy old men with guns. Now there's a scary thought ;-)


What then is the solution?

The congress goes with the man that has the better cash,

Many are speaking against carrying gun but the body regulation this policy hasn't done the right thing,

Who is at the receiving end of all these?? The Citizen.

@thatsnumberwang, thanks for putting this out there

What the conservatives need to know is that we are NOT asking to ban all guns, but rather just make sure that the guns don't fall in wrong hands, and that is by proper licencing and background checks. I love guns ngl, I personally own a baretta px4, a mp15, cz model 452 and a baikal mp153; and I plan on buying more.

Gun control is not you can't own guns, but you will just need to go through some background checks and shit like that, your cooperation can save A LOT of lives!

As a gun owner you should know Background Checks already exist. Do you believe the official narrative that the Parkland shooter obtained his AR legally? This cat had a long history with police. If somebody is adjudicated mentally defective or has been committed to a mental institution, he is prohibited from possessing a firearm under federal law. However, according to USA TODAY

Gun buyers are seldom turned down because of mental illness. From 1998 to 2014, the FBI rejected 16,669 potential gun buyers because a background check found a mental health adjudication, about 1.4% of the roughly 1.2 million background checks that resulted in a denial.

What is the role psychiatric drugs and the FBI's use of such patsies play? Political agendas are afoot here, friend.

wait no, I am not talkinf about particular Parkland shooter here, and I am well aware that the "bad" guys, will get their weapons anyway they want, legally or illegally. I do believe everyone should own weapons, I just believe we should have stricter background checks to make sure and eliminate the probability that it does not actually fall into wrong hands, I am not talking about banning guns and all that. I am not exactly from America, I had just read otherwise. I apologize if I was wrong.

Background checks are already strict enough, sir. But Trump agrees with you. He has some pretty good ideas on how do deal with this, including training and arming teachers. Predators always target the weak.

There is already background checks. Who said there were no background checks?

Muy buena información. Gracias por compartir. Excelente post.

When you look into it, you find out all of these shootings are more complicated than they are portrayed. I won't even bring up the possibility of one being staged or government planned, but pretty much all of them have something to do with antidepressants. The shooters seem to always be on these dangerous drugs. The doctors are giving out things worse than meth in some cases.

People have less access to guns now than ever before and are shooting each other more than ever. Violence doesn't come about because of access to the right tools, it comes about because an individual is going through something in their life that seems overwhelming. It's a person failing to handle the stresses of their lives after society has failed to help them. If needed, these same people would stab people if no guns were available.

We can never stop people from hurting other people if they really want to. We need to think about the broader picture and ask ourselves if our society is taking care of people who are mentally unstable or if we're just drugging them and ignoring them.

Las Vegas for example.

If u think America has problems come to Uganda you know that america is to good.
Have a rule for 35year
(✋✋✋✋✋✋✋Years look am 27 but hhave never seen another president.

@thatsnumberwang wrote:

"The NRA ultimately succeed in pushing an agenda opposed by the majority of Americans..."

Apparently the Angry Brit has done his Google search. The top results coming from the Fake News Industrial Complex who are notorious for selective surveys and omissions of fact. The same news organizations that said Donald Trump had a less than 5% chance of winning the 2016 election.

We have gun control, background checks etc. It is up to the FBI and ATF to enforce existing law.

Despite their protestations to the contrary, would-be totalitarian politicians want an outright ban on semi-automatic firearms under the "Assault Weapons" rubric.

Criminals have these guns regardless. Do you honestly think they would turn them in?

Oddly enough, semi-auto weapons have been around longer than school shootings. Maybe the FBI has an answer as to why this is so?

When will Brits get tired of being JAILED for defending themselves against criminals?

Oh well, Reason is not altogether lost in Britain.

What then is a reasonable law of self-defence? The great bugbear at present is proportionality of response. In drafting a new law, I would start from the premise that an attacker forfeits his right to the protection of the law, that he literally takes his life into his hands.

Self-defense is a natural right - and by whatever means necessary.

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Yeah, as a foreigner, this offends me. You don't know what lengths our founders went through to establish our protection of our natural rights. And as that all has withered away, you, who has the inability to comprehend god given liberty, want to pile on and tell us what to do. Go bow the UN and come try and take my guns and assault rifles. We need riddance of LAWS not MORE STUPID LAWS THAT KILL INNOCENTS. KIDS ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF GUN FREE ZONES, NO, because of zombie liberals like you who don't care about freedom. Kids are dead because decadent pseudo intellectual "LIBERALS" want to virtue signal.
you-idiot-you-cant-threaten-me-with-that-thisisa-gun-25075396 (1).png

Agreed, we want more rights, liberties, chooses, decisions, freewill, and freedoms and life and love and more. We want to maximize, as much as we can, the freedom of speech, religion, arms, property, ownership, privacy, press, cryptocurrencies, blockchains, money, of owning our own land, rain water, farms, seeds, etc. Guns help more than they hurt. And we want smaller governments, less taxes, regulations, etc. I'm Oatmeal Joey.


Wait a second. Hold the are suggesting that gun caused the shooting?

"The vast majority of Americans support increased background checks and the prohibition of semi automatic weapons, such as the one which caused such atrocities in a school in Florida recently." <------THIS IS WHAT FAKE NEWS LOOKS LIKE. GTFO!

Gun Signs.jpg

Well said, and it's important to note that the NRA was not always this batshit insane. There is footage of Wayne LaPierre himself, in 1999, thundering about how schools should be gun-free. This is a recent development as the Southern Strategy coalition realized how well this issue plays to their base and how much it solidifies that southern/rural base.

Americans love guns. Historically, guns help. The NRA is the face of real America. Statistics will show you the differences between Chicago and Texas. There are different laws related to guns and other things in different states in the United States. Gun Free Zones are targets for criminals to go in and kill people. Do you want to centralize guns like money? We are on Steem because we do not want centralized money. Bitcoin is not centralized money. If we go against centralized money, then why not also go against centralized guns? You cannot remove evil in the world for now. Maybe someday but not today and it is always good to have backup plans in case the government does what Germany did when Hitler took the guns. If you understand what I am talking in regards to prohibition limitations, history, statistics, IQ, DNA, evil, criminals, and everything, then please share it with others when you can. Ask them questions and try to be patient as you create dialog with them. Many people know too little about guns to even have an opinion. Can we ban guns? Can we ban knives too? Should we also ban murder and trucks too? I'm Oatmeal Joey from Oregon. i was in Vietnam, Hawaii, Quebec, New York, California.

Screenshot at 2018-02-26 14:39:34.png

I hear you all say we need to get rid of military weapons, we don't need those kind of weapons. It's 2018 and technology is crazy. When the founding fathers wrote the Consitution, the Second Amendment and if they had the technology that we have now, you don't think they wouldn't have an AR-15 with a fifty round clip. There are numerous laws on the books and background checks. I am one of those that enjoy guns, like more than 80 million of us which are law-abiding decent, good people. The laws have been in place, now, law enforcement is what needs to be enforced. I believe if a person ever used a weapon in any manner against the law it should be double the time. "We The People" must do our part instead of ignoring or assuming somebody else deals with it. Criminals mostly are stupid people there's always warning signs before the go LOCO. We lost our sense of community no gives a shit or care if neighbor or stranger needs hand or help in a bad situation. Why is it that we Americans in these United States has never been invaded by any foreign country? It's been a homegrown problem and "We The People"need to do our part, helping law enforcement, as much as we can, keep vigilant,be informed. We need to get the weapons out of the hands of the people that should not have them. Stay Frosty!

May add, not just property rights. But the the HUMAN right to Self-Defense.