‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Spreading to Other Countries as Citizens Rise Up Against Corrupt Gov’t

in #news6 years ago

 Paris, France — A grassroots movement made up of citizens who have  become fed up with the political establishment in France has been  growing since early November and it has come to a head this month. The  movement, known as “gilets jaunes” or “yellow vests” began as  an anti-tax protest but has since merged folks from the left and the  right into a much broader anti-government movement. The movement has  become so large that political experts are now calling it a “new  revolution.” French citizens have used the yellow vests that their government  requires they carry in their vehicles as a symbol of this protest. As  the Guardian points out,  unlike previous French protest movements, it sprang up online through  petitions and was organised by ordinary working people posting videos on  social media, without a set leader, trade union or political party  behind it. The protest was so successful that last week, French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe announced a six-month suspension of the fuel tax which triggered the unrest. The people flexed their power and the people won—on this single  issue. However, the people of France have long been exploited by their  corrupt rulers and this has caused the rise of populism. Populist  movements reject the left/right paradigm and don’t adhere to any strict  political ideologies that tow left or right lines. Because populist movements reject the left/right paradigm, they are  far stronger as they bring in people from all over the spectrum. It also  makes them quite rare and what we are witnessing with the yellow vest  movement is approaching historical levels of populism. As philosopher and political analyst Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin explains: 

First of all, the fact that populist movements are  directed against the political elite as a whole, without making a  distinction, whether it is right or left-wing, is striking. This is the  ‘uprising of the periphery of society against its center’. In his famous  work, the American sociologist Christopher Lasch (1932–1994) designated  the form of government that prevails in modern Western society as the  “elite revolution”.

When referencing the ‘Elite Revolution’, Dugin explains how those at  the top of the power structure tend to control this power through their  immense will to rule. The result of the elite revolution is far more  destructive to culture and society than a revolution of the masses  because in the name of diversity, elites from all groups seek this power  and use it to oppress their own. ‘Do as your group leaders tell you to  do, or you are part of the problem.’ 

Accordingly, populism – including the populism of the  “yellow vests” – can be viewed as a retaliatory uprising of the people  against the elites, who have completely lost their connection with  society. The elites have built their own world in which double standards, norms of political correctness, liberal demagogy reign. According to these “new elites”, the people and society, in their  current state, have no place in this world. Therefore, the typical  representative of the “new elite”, Hillary Clinton, upset by the success  of the right-wing populist Trump, openly insulted ordinary Americans –  as deplorables, which in meaning means “shameful.” “Deplorables” have  chosen Trump – not because they loved him, but to respond to the  “globalist witch” Clinton. Macron is a representative of the same type of “new elite”. It is  curious that on the eve of the elections the French  newspaper  ‘Libération’ published the headline ‘Faites ce que vous  voulez, mais votez Macron ‘ (“Do what you want, but vote for Macron”).  This is an obvious paraphrase of Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed  himself in the 20th century as the Antichrist and the Beast 666: “Do  what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”. In other words, obedient  crowds should vote for Macron not for some rational reasons, not because  of his ideas and virtues, but simply because this is the imperative law  of the ruling elite. And the disregard of the elites towards the  obedient, slain masses is so open that they do not even bother to seduce  them with impracticable promises: “Vote for Macron, because this is an  order and this is not discussed.” Vote and then you are free. Otherwise  you are deplorables. And that’s all.

Do not misinterpret the above text as an endorsement of Trump or any  ideology for that matter as it is not. It is merely used to point out  how populist movements expand as more and more people get excluded from  the establishment and censored, shamed, and ridiculed into a corner for  not toeing the line of their oppressor class. Now, we are witnessing the inevitable result of pushing people into a  corner by controlling everything they can and can’t say and taxing them  into oblivion while doing it. Although the yellow vests began in  France, we are now seeing reports of similar protests sparking up in  other countries as well. Demonstrations have spread like wildfire from France into Belgium and  the Netherlands as hundreds of yellow vested protesters are met by riot  police. As the Times reports: 

Amid the tensions, police personnel were forced to use  water cannons and pepper spray in a bid to disperse the demonstrators.  Protestors gathered in Arts-Loi in Brussels and staged a massive walkout  towards Schuman Roundabout, home to a number of European Union offices  and towards the European Parliament, but were stopped by the security  forces. During the clashes, the agitators blocked arterial roads, threw stun  grenades and damaged traffic signals and the environment. Over 100  people have been detained by the police so far. They have demanded  Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel to step down from his post. In the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam in the Netherlands,  protestors staged a peaceful demonstration in various parts, singing and  handing flowers to the passers-by and asking them to participate in the  agitation, according to local media reports. Security has been  heightened in both the countries as more protests are planned in the  coming days.

TFTP has also seen groups planning yellow vest protests in the United States. Message boards, such as 4chan, have announced protests on December 15th at 12:00 p.m. in Massachusetts, New York, and California. So long as these movements remain peaceful, we have already seen the  power they wield. The yellow vests are reminding the world who has the  real power, and the world would do well to listen. 


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A Major Democrat Left Jaws on the Floor with this Play:

Everyone knew this Democrat was far to the Left.

But no one expected him to partner with an organization with such a liberal agenda.

Now, folks are asking whether he’ll run for office again, and whether he’ll decide to conceal this move.

Get the full story.

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