Detroit, MI — Acting on a tip from an anonymous source, Detroit police conducted a series of raids on funeral homes and discovered a situation comprised of something out of a horror film. Detroit police have since launched a “wide probe” into other funeral homes after finding dozens of infant corpses hidden inside at least two of them.
“This is deeply disturbing,” Detroit Police Chief James Craig said at a news conference, hours after police raided Perry Funeral Home and allegedly seized 63 fetus or infant bodies, more than half of which were packed together in unrefrigerated boxes, according to the WaPo. “We want to understand the reasons: Is it financial gain? If so, how? Who knew or who else is involved in this?”
The raid on the Perry Funeral home comes just one week after police raided another funeral home in which the bodies of 11 infants were found hidden behind a false ceiling designed to deceive authorities.
“I would like to look at you and tell you I hope … that this is isolated to these two. I can’t say that with certainty,” Craig told reporters, shortly after leaving a meeting with FBI and state investigators. “This is much larger than we might know.”
Police are remaining tight-lipped on the investigation and declined to speculate as to why the bodies of so many infants are being found in these funeral homes. Craig did explain that a single anonymous tip has led to the massive and horrifying discovery.
One would think that the funeral homes equipped with cremation systems would not get backlogged with a cache of bodies, so the impetus behind hiding infant corpses—literally in the walls—remains a disturbing mystery.
During the raid on the second funeral home, police found “three unrefrigerated boxes containing the remains of a total of approximately 36 deceased bodies of fetuses or infants,” according to a statement from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, “plus a deep freezer containing an unknown number of additional deceased bodies.”
In total, workers with LARA’s Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau found:
Three un-refrigerated boxes containing the remains of approximately 36 deceased bodies of fetuses or infants plus a deep freezer containing additional deceased bodies. Some of the deceased had dates of death in 2015.
The funeral home failed to certify and file death certificates for the dead bodies of the fetuses and infants for whom they assumed custody with the appropriate governmental authority within 72 hours of death.
The funeral home failed to secure permits for removal or burial of dead human bodies before interment or disposal.
Perry “obtained possession or embalmed the dead human bodies of the fetuses and infants without first being expressly directed or authorized to do so by a relative of the deceased persons or a person entitled to custody,” the release said.
“We will continue following the evidence,” Craig said. “It’s just unbelievable.”
“There’s no connection that we know of between the two funeral homes, but there are similarities, including the improper disposal of fetuses,” Craig said. “We discussed having a task force operation to investigate this, although that’s preliminary.”
Alluding to just how widespread this issue could be, Craig noted that this problem could spread outside of Detroit.
“We may ask Michigan State Police to help at some point because some of this investigation may take us away from the city of Detroit,” he said.
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I'm from this area and have been following the stories.
I will give you my tentative theory, but it's only a theory.
Six years ago, I miscarried our first child at 12 weeks. The hospital confiscated him from me saying they had to "run tests". I surrendered him only after stipulating I wanted him back so we could bury him.
He was never returned to me. The nurse disappeared with him and never came back.
In Michigan, it's not legal for parents to be able to take the bodies of babies born extremely prematurely home. This may or may not be part of the effort to dehumanized unborn infants so abortion laws can remain in place (if a baby isn't a baby, then it isn't murder to kill them). If a child is miscarried before a certain age, the hospital might look the other way if parents take their dead child home to bury him or her, but after 20 weeks they legally must be buried in a cemetery.
Cemeteries charge a lot to bury even a tiny infant. For perspective, a 20 week baby fits in the palm of your hand, but we aren't allowed to bury them ourselves and must go through a funeral home to do so.
Now, in Detroit there is an explosion of two things: teenage pregnancies and drug use. The rate of premature births is unusually high because the pregnancies are high risk due to the environments of the young mothers.
Given those facts, I think it's highly likely that pre-term infants who are born still or who died because they were just too young are being turned over to funeral homes as is legally demanded, but the young parents either can't afford to bury those babies or sort of try to go back to their lives and to school without really taking on the responsibility of burying the baby that the hospital has whisked away. Once that baby is out of sight, it would be easy to think that everything is all taken care of.
For the funeral home, this is a bad situation. Funeral homes are not crematoriams. Most are not equipped to burn bodies and they can't just take them somewhere to be cremated because that would be an out-of-pocket fee to them. Ditto burying in a cemetery. So the funeral homes are stuck with these very tiny babies that no one is claiming and who will cost them money to bury or have cremated. Somewhere along the line, someone just came up with the idea to pack them away in a box or in the freezer.
Personally, given this situation I think I would try to find some way of setting up a fund and making an arrangement with the cemetery to actually bury these babies, but who knows what was tried in the past.
The whole thing is very disturbing, but this is my best guess as to why babies would be left unclaimed with no one apparently noticing their dead child isn't being buried...
@lturner - wow, thanks for the info. But that still begs the question (as you said) what were they doing before re: burying them?
I'm sorry for your loss. I know it's painful.
I appreciate the hugs!
The loss was highly mitigated by proceeding to have four more healthy babies in the next five years. It's a lot harder to miss the one who's gone when your hands are that full with the ones that came later.
There's all kinds of questions here, to be sure - and at least one family is suing saying they actually did pay to have their daughter buried but she is among the ones who weren't. Which means the funeral home collected the fee but never paid the cemetery and actually provided burial.
I still wonder...what on earth did they think was going to happen when they were just stashing babies in walls and such?
I highly doubt they were planning on selling the babies since you don't do stuff like that unless you have a buyer and some of those babies have been there a long time. And I also highly doubt they were there for some spooky satanic reason since the bodies would already have been used and gone by this point. That's why I suspect the truth is much more brutally mundane and sordid.
Right, & what you said makes sense.
I STILL can't believe they stashed those poor things in walls.
That's what you do when you kill someone (sigh)
Please keep us posted (if you remember) on what transpires.
And I'm glad you had your hands full. I couldn't raise that many LOL
Human trafficking is BIG in the mid west area dead or alive their are sick fucks out their who make love to dead bodies. Also the occult rituals use human body parts. It's a sick world tell them to check the east coast see what they find their.
@sheeple-shepherd - (sigh) I prefer & HOPE that @lturner's explanation is more plausible even though I know you are right too : (