Senate is Confirming a War Criminal as CIA Head—And They Won’t Be Shown Most of Her Record

in #news7 years ago (edited)

By Rachel Blevins

 As the United States Senate Intelligence Committee grills nominee  Gina Haspel with questions in order to determine if she should be  confirmed as the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency, there  is one important factor that is being ignored—neither the people who  are confirming Haspel or the American public have access to information  about the majority of Haspel’s history with the CIA because it is  classified. Haspel, 62, joined the CIA in 1985 and was named Deputy Group Chief  of the agency’s Counterterrorism Center in 2001. 

She was then assigned  to oversee a secret CIA “black site” prison in Thailand in 2002. The prison, code-named “Cat’s Eye,” was one of the locations where alleged Al-Qaeda members were detained and tortured. In addition to overseeing the torture, Reuters reported that Haspel “carried out an order to destroy videotapes of the waterboarding” and other torture methods, after she was instructed to do so by the Bush Administration. 

While Haspel was not mentioned by name, an anonymous female CIA official with her credentials was mentioned in a 2013 report  from the Washington Post, which claimed that she was not chosen to lead  the agency’s clandestine service, because of her direct involvement in  its Bush-era torture programs: 

“The officer, who is undercover, served as  director of the National Clandestine Service on an interim basis over  the past two months, and many considered her a front-runner to keep the  post, which involves overseeing the CIA’s spying operations worldwide. But she faced opposition because of her extensive role in an  interrogation program that critics have said relied on torture to get  information from al-Qaeda captives after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.  She had run a secret prison in Thailand where two detainees were  subjected to waterboarding and other harsh techniques. She later helped  order the destruction of videotapes of those interrogation sessions.”

The prospect of Haspel becoming the next director of the CIA has been  criticized by a number of people who are concerned about her record.  Senator Rand Paul threatened to filibuster after her nomination was announced last month. 

He said that his opposition to Haspel stemmed from her direct participation in interrogation and her “gleeful enjoyment at the suffering of someone being tortured.”   However, one of the most alarming problems about Haspel’s career is  not just that she oversaw illegal torture programs, it is that the  majority of her career with the CIA remains classified—leaving no way  for the country to know exactly what she did, or to what extent. 

The American Civil Liberties Union started a petition calling for the  CIA to release Haspel’s full records before a confirmation hearing was  held. The organization reported  that while Haspel’s job title was listed in the Senate’s 2014 report on  the torture methods used by the CIA on suspected al-Qaeda members after  9/11, “her name and important aspects of her wrongdoing are still blacked out, with many documents locked away entirely.” 

“Gina Haspel is best known for running a “black site”  torture prison in Thailand during the George W. Bush administration.  The prison she ran was the first to test some of the CIA’s most brutal  and criminal tactics—including waterboarding, beatings, starvation, and locking men for hours in coffin-like confinement boxes. Press  reports place Haspel in charge of the prison when a man was  waterboarded multiple times. These torture methods became a template for  a program applied to scores of detainees held in a network of secret  CIA prisons.”

Despite questionable highlights that raised serious questions about  her work for the CIA, the majority of Gina Haspel’s record remains  classified, making many Americans wonder how members of Congress can, in  good conscience, confirm her to lead an agency when they are not  allowed to know the full extent to which she helped the CIA prepare and  execute some of its most ruthless torture programs. 

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Just another indication that our government consists of psychopathic criminals. These are the people who run the show. And we not only tolerate them, we legitimize them and pay for the crimes they commit.

Since when has such an insignificant detail as the bloody past of a politician been an obstacle, dear?
Now let's go bomb something, shall we?

A lot of people in high places can be considered war criminals.

What war crimes has she been convicted of? While I understand the point that you are trying to make And it is well written, how is she any different than John Berman or any of the other previous leaders that have been nominated and approved in the past? Why is she different?

I respect your analysis and your perspective.

What war crimes has she been convicted of? While I understand the point that you are trying to make And it is well written, how is she any different than John Berman or any of the other previous leaders that have been nominated and approved in the past? Why is she different?

I respect your analysis and your perspective.

Those who tried to protest her hearings were forcefully removed. Truly a sign of staying the overreach regime. Protesting anything will soon be considerations for treason.

The treatment of Ray McGovern for daring to ask a question was just appalling.

Hello. I liked your post, keep it up. Good luck to you and have a nice day :)