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RE: Breaking News!!!

in #news6 years ago

Wars nowadays are fought through the news and on football fields... Getting one single truth from the news is like trying to solve a Rubik's cube unless you know how to do it you are going to spend lots and lots of time on it...

Even though I don't like trump I must say I'm impressed with him, North Korea is finally more chill against other countries and going in "the right direction" slowly, really slowly but it is going... and the whole MS-13 thing I still haven't done any research, only heard about it some days ago but from what I heard he is actually doing a really good job, it's not racism, it's deporting people that don't want to help your country and instead just want to exploit, rape, blow up, shoot your country....

My go-to place to get news now is steemit, getting the info and facts from people that are there and know what they are talking about, at least steemians aren't controlled by the gov(i hope)