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RE: Syrian Attack Truth

in #news7 years ago

Never just one reason for these things. For Syria they want a pipeline though that country, they want control of the money, they want a puppet government, and Israel wants their land.

For Libya, they wanted the oil, they want control of the money, the gold backed Dinar threatened the Petro Dollar, they wanted a puppet government, and Libya sits on top of some of the largest fresh water sources in the middle east.

I could name a few more reasons for both, and for attacking other countries, but you get the general idea.

No, they do not think that we are stupid, but they know that most people, especially in the USA are completely misinformed about the facts, and that we are powerless to stop them as long as we remain divided, and distracted by BS like false flag school shootings.

Before someone claims that I said that no one died in these shootings, that is not true, and not what a false flag is. It is blaming a patsy for the murders that you commit yourself to forward your agenda.