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RE: Petition Urges Electoral College Members to Vote Against Their State

in #news8 years ago

I know I'm late to the party but, such a tough question.

Literally part of the reason for the electoral college is in case the populace makes a bad decision.
Hillary won the popular vote.


If the electoral college didn't vote the way the state did it would erode the democracy of the EC
It seems wrong to "change the rules" because your candidate lost.
Some militia groups promised revolution over election rigging... this would simply trigger those people possibly costing people their lives.

Then again... Trump seems dangerous to me. I can't ignore the parallels to Hitler, or the way hate groups like the KKK praise him or how Spencer gave a speech praising him to nazi salutes. Not to mention economists evaluated his economic plans and basically stated it would be terrible.

Not really sure what the EC should do... my half assed, half a bottle of bourbon 3:42am idea is that the EC should split their vote by the percentage in each state. So if a state had 6 electoral votes and voted 50/50 each candidate would get 3 electoral votes. It most closely models the way people actually voted... but not sure who would win in that case even.