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RE: #HelpCatalonia - This is how Catalan citizens are treated by the Spanish government for the simple fact of wanting to decide and vote for a referendum

in #news7 years ago

Hi, thanks for your reply. It's sad, you should offer your services, I am sure they would be interested.

And secession is not freedom, it is fascism trying to impose the will of a few Spaniards from Catalonia to the rest of Spaniards so they steal part of the land of all Spaniards.

Can you agree that for the secession to be peaceful it's necessary that the catalans and the spanish people both vote. The Catalans first because they are fed up, or at least a part want something new. And then if the vote is successful, who knows if it isn't allowed to happen, the rest of spain can vote too on the subject. Or the reverse. what ever it's true that it should be both side.

No the downfall of catalonia happened when the catalans bosses found that it was easier to hire cheap foreigners ready to work for almost free in barcelona and let the native catalans mostly in the dust due to more qualifications, lower pay and higher knowledge of foreign languages. Then with mass immigrations most low qualifications job pay very little in catalonia as the supply of labor is limitless.

Then on your remark about the spanish behavior if catalonia was to seceded shows that it's not the path toward peace. Why would spain block catalonia entry in the eu? Rather than focus on being a nice neighboor, improving itself to the point were catalans begs to reenter spain.

I know that would ask real work, and it's way simpler to justify smashing with state force people who once were spanish. I am not sure they think of themselves now...

peace is way harder than violence, the dividends infinitely higher, but there need to be honest, factual dialogues. Otherwise force is faster, but does it achieve any dividend at all even when wrapped in a nice narrative packaging?


A secessionist vote is not allowed by Spanish constitution and that is why it was declared illegal.

If you want to vote then first try to change the Spanish Constitution to allow a secessionist poll. If you manage it then try to change the European Constitution that also prevents secessions within member states (1).

Regarding allowing Catalonia in the EU, how can you dream that in a hypothetical secession (that will never happen), after stealing part of the Spanish country, that country is going to have any good relations with you?
If a burglar comes to your home and steals your property, are you going to be friends with him??? Come on, get real! You will want him to be behind bars and to get back your property.

So if secession is currently illegal under Spanish Constitution and European Constitution was is the point of making an illegal, irrelevant and useless vote? Obviously none.

As I said, change both those constitutions first and then we can start talking about all Spaniards deciding if they break Spain apart.

From your comments I also see that you are a xenophobe, of course... what I'm thinking off... secessionism is xenophobism and fascism... hahaha


Ummm... a good question...

It was a branch of the Illuminati defecting from the main illumination boss, the Monarchy of England, so they could build their own country. Remember that there was a war as result... Check Washington DC, the Seal of States, the US$ note, etc... to find all the illuminating symbols.

Then those illuminated took on the task of killing practically all of the aborigines from America.

Now that you mention the United States of America... what do you think of the Secession War or American Civil War? You know, the Confederates trying to secede from the United States of America...
