Feminists now bitching about fictional boob armor…

in #news7 years ago

Have you ever read an article that had your eyes roll so far back in your skull that you could see the back of your head? Well, this article is one of those…


Really Comic Book Resources? You have over 1.7 million followers on social media and this is the garbage you decided to write about this week? And no Hollywood does not have a fucken “boob plate armor problem“. The real problem here is people like Angie Dahl who is allowed to write this uneducated garbage and the people who allow her to publish it. Firstly Angie darling The Wasp’s suit is not armor, it does not make her bulletproof it is basically a padded suit in the same vein as Black Widows costume. If you are still don’t grasp what I am getting at her costume is a form-fitting costume. The design on the front is intended to invoke the image of a wasp, much like one of her oft-used costumes in the comics:


Would you look at that, the male version represents an Ant while the female represents a Wasp. Fuck me right? If anything, it looks good, it’s a faithful adaptation of the comics, and it’s not overly sexualized. Well everyone except you Angie. And how in the nine hells is Wonder Woman’s armor acceptable and “realistic” but Valkyrie’s is overly sexy? What mental gymnastics did you have to pull to come to that conclusion? Every example you have given of unrealistic boob armor in your article has much less cleavage than Wonder Woman’s. As for Breanne in Game Of Thrones? The explanation is even simpler than you might realize as to why her armor is flat. Wait for it!


It is because she is the only female knight in the series, therefore she has to wear what the majority of nights is wearing since she is the only female knight. Women’s bodies have curves which include their cleavage. What do you want them to do? Strap them down and force her into a suit that would more than likely cause her discomfort? Throughout real history women’s armor pieces that exist allowed for accommodation of our anatomy. So, it’s not really a Hollywood problem as much as it is an ignorance problem on your part. Angie are you one of “those” people that “see” a perceived problem looking too hard to try and find something to be outraged about?

[Editorial Note:] This might be one of stupidest articles CBR ever decided to publish.


Agree on this. 👍 I shouldn't be surprised, but sometimes I still am at articles like this.

Great comical Sunday read.

You should post this on boob tube.