Hey everyone
Today I am here with some pretty interesting news I read about. There is an app being developed called "Haven" and it seems really interesting. The app is being developed by The Guardian Project, Freedom of the Press and Edward Snowden.
The app will be open source and it will be a great way to turn your smartphone into a security device for free. The application will work on most older android phones as well since using your everyday phone for this purpose might be a little wasteful. But if you happen to have an old phone lying around somewhere then that one will probably work perfectly.
The idea is that the phone will work as a security system by using your phones camera, recording devices and accelerometer to detect sounds or movements in a room and immediately report it to the user.
For example you will be able to just leave the device in a place where you think something might happen and it will then(depending on your personal configurations) take a picture, record sounds and movements and then both register that for you and send a message to your "main" phone to let you know. The messages will be sent through SMS or to be extra safe via the Tor network.
If you want to read more about the application or the whole project you can do so by watching the video below that was provided by the Freedom of the Press Foundation.
The primary place of use for this kind of device will be people working with human rights and of course also journalists. The app will have a lot of uses for different people and I can come up with a lot of different situations where this could be huge. Probably the best feature is that it doesn't require a high-end device to work which gives it a lot of availability even in developing countries. At first it can be a little hard to think of good uses for this device but once you try and put yourself in other peoples shoes who work in dangerous areas and might be in constant risk then this is a great idea. In the announcement that was made for the application the developers explained it like this “Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy.” The application is available on Android right now but they also have plans to expand to other devices.
Let me know what you think about this project in the comments below and thanks for stopping by!
Hope you're all having a wonderful Friday so far.
that is pretty cool :)
Woah, this is a pretty strange, yet awesome project idea. I could see it having some issues in certain areas, particularly with the recording sounds part. I mean, if you're using it for recording a conversation or something bad happening domestically in your home, then I'm sure it would work great. But, for someone at home wanting to use it for a more random use, I'm curious about what would actually set off the phone and have it record noise. I'd find it a bit annoying getting a message every 5 minutes letting me know it's recorded the sound of wind against the window or something like that, haha.
Really cool little initiative though, lots of exciting possibilities for this to be used in a lot of good ways. Thanks for sharing it on here, bud!
Haha indeed that is true. It probably let's you configure the limits and stuff like that though. I used this sleep talk recorded app for a while and it would record a lot of unrelated stuff too like movements and such but you cold set it up pretty good so it actually only recorded the sleep talk :)
Yeah I think it is a great idea too :) thanks for stopping by and giving your thoughts!
Now I can finally go outside without fear that someone will break in and steal my precious Nutella!
Hahahhaa yes that's what I will use it for too. I will have like 4 phones in my Nutella closet :D
It is a great app i also posted about it a few days back :)
Nice to see you regularly on steemit :)
Yeah it really seems to be :) Oh I will check it out aswell
Thank you! :3
this is both good and bad, the good thing is that it can help increase security and help catch offenders in real time. the bad news is if its hacked(everything can be hacked ) then it can used to spy on us
woah yeah indeed. Did not think of it that way. Actually pretty scary if you think about it
yeah very especially in autocratic states
For this to be applied, I think you need a steady network that would be able to record and store data be it offline or via an online storage.
With the above been said certain areas won't be able to support this feature as at now but its truly a nice project.
Yeah I actually just found out that they are trying to work together with Signal Messenger to try to always send the data through their chat. Which is an encrypted chat that was recommended by Edward Snowden himself so that might me a nice solution
Guess 2018 is going to be a blast, much anticipation ahead
I wont use it !!!
You better! :D
Wow great information. Thanks for very helpful post sharing, always follow your post, upvoted and resteem ....done.
wow this is really great thing you just shared saw the video wow i am going to download it right away :)
cool :) glad it was of interest to you!
A perfect project..I will definitely use this practice .. Thank you very much
Thank you :) glad it was interesting
Wow necessary information, very nice post brother, i think its helpful for us,upvote done
followed // upvoted // resteemVery important update for me. Thanks a lot friend @strawhat ...very good post and very useful.
Thanks for useful information. Have a nice day
Thank you :) you too!
Terima kasih! :D
This is a very nice device.it would be able to alert the user before time of the danger in an environment
Wow. Amazing. It is really interesting that now my phone Will work as a security for me. It's just wow. :) Thank you for sharing such amazing information.
that's great..
thank's for sharing..
That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way, have a nice..
nice post
it is a good and usefull app dear thanks for shareing this post god bless you
nice 1 bro
Hahaha !! very useful :D thanks for sharing with us
Great post there, keep up good work !
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This is a very interesting project indeed. But to make a security project an open source seems dangerous? I mean, I'm not too sure how it works but my concern is that people may integrate some spyware in it or something.
Very useful information. Thanks
This is a great idea for poor people living on the margins of society who can't afford an alarm system or don't have a strong lock.
Are you sure this hasn't been done already? what's your top 5 competitors. Also, can you make my phone also work like a bicycle turn indicator when I strap it on the back of my bicycle helmet and have the ear piece in, it should let me say "turn left" and then show a turn left signal for the cars behind me. oh, and is there an app that lets me use my cell phone like a body camera? like maybe you can combine that with the turn signal bicycle helmet light app so it's always recording the cars behind me on like a 5 minute or 15 minute loop so if I get hit I can record the video from before the accident. maybe the phone should flash the words "you are on video camera" one word at a time when it's on the back of my bicycle at an intersection when I'm stopped to reassure the driver behind me I care about safety. I'm in San francisco and the app you created makes sense to me. but my concern is update and installation hassle since I really don't use that sort of thing much and don't want things that I have to maintain and upgrade if I don't actually use them.