Hahahahahhahahahahhahahaha ahhhhhh fuck bahhahahahahahha holy fuck, epic, EPIC!!!!
be jew
ultimate goal is to disarm the goys
stage countless fake shootings and hoaxes and false flags
Trumpy says lets fix this and arm the teachers
nek minute
oh vey, zee goyim know!! Shut it down!!! Stage a shooting with an adult
You just fucking cannot tell me over the last 20 years (only a decade of school shootings in recorded history) that only now a teacher thought they would shoot at kids?
If I was a teacher I would have fucking shot every goddamn leftist libtard child I could, but no, a huge population with many millions of lives running at every second of every day and only now this happens, a few weeks after thr last and a week after trump says lets arm the teachers. Ahhh fuck my ring hole I hate this place