What is the "Muse Project?"

in #news7 years ago (edited)


Photo Credit Alex Tooth

A few months back my friend & business associate Carly @ogc. Carly & I call each other our P.I.C. "partner in crime." Hahahaha. Carly said she'd like to talk about a idea she was formulating. Of course; love to hear what was going on. She then explained to me the initial thoughts about working with other women on Steem. Having a place & a voice on the blockchain.

Instantly fell in love with the idea. Over the next few weeks @ogc's idea began to take shape. She assembled a super group of women on Steem. They would all work together. Sharing equally in the work & equally in contributing to help others on the blockchain.

Thus the "Muse Project" @museproject was born.

The Muse Project Mission Statement
“Enlightening and empowering women in the blockchain & beyond.”

This is the 5 founding members of the "Muse Project."





DQmWC7TL5EsGbdbRg8VRcCX3NRg51QRxxjzkAZK5msZDE2G.jpegCarly @ogc Lea @coruscate Sara @saramiller Lindsey @lindseylambz Shellie @everlove

This comes directly from their introducutory post @museproject.

"In Greek mythology, the Muses were the goddesses of inspiration. They were said to inspire the creation of epic poetry, beautiful works of art, and noble stories. The modern muse is still one that inspires others to create their own unique works, though the means of creation have changed and evolved. In this time of exponentially evolving technology, the Muse Project aims to uplift women through the creation of heartfelt content.

Who Are We?
The Muse Project is backed and guided by a collective of five powerful female founders that have come together through a mutual love of the Steem blockchain and a desire to make the community stronger. Each woman has a unique gift to offer the community. Not only does each one create quality content, it is also their goal to empower other women to find their creative voice."

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"What Do We Do?
This platform is a marriage of technology and the art of creation. Because this model is so new, there can be challenges in navigating the waters. The Muse Project is a source for women to find support in the platform.

How Do We Do This?
Through a constant flow of enriching content from the collective, and also the content of featured female creators from the platform. The Muse Project is a model that will attribute 25% of post rewards towards a fund that goes directly back to female creators, in the way of a scholarship. Women can apply for and gain funding for their project within a set of guidelines that are set to enrich both the creator and the community."

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I feel that the "Muse Project" @museproject is incredibly important to not just the Steem universe but to global society. Please spread the word and share this with your friends. Let's help make this into something really specail.

Like to give a giant shout out to all the @steemcreators; all the people who were at the Steem Creators Conference, @canadian-coconut, @adamkokesh, all the early supporters of this amazing project, & all the future supporters.


theohgeecee@gmail.com.You can help with the project. They are actively looking for contributors, article writers, video producers, & editors. You can contact Carly @ogc.

The Muse Project Panel at the Creators Conference.

Join Muse Project on Discord:

Delegate SP to @steemcreators. Any amount can make you $$$ & help a great cause. 25, 50, 100, 1000, 5000 SP. You will receive 75% of profits proportion to your delegated SP & help fund #steemcreators projects. Any questions email us ij@steemcreators.com

Steem Creators North September 6-9th Toronto, Canada, $125.00 USD
Steem Creators Conference April 11-13th in Austin, TX. $125.00 USD https://steemcreators.com

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Please Follow, Upvote, Comment, & Please Resteem.

Thank you all.

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I wonder if this is even necessary. From my experience so far, Steem has been the most gender neutral and neutrally empowering system out there. I don't yet see a reason why we should start creating discriminating cliques of gender separation like this.

Women here are already doing very well creatively, scientifically, educationally, entertainingly and financially - just as well as men and perhaps even better excluding the end of the bell curve of the wealthy elites.

This idea insinuates that women are less capable than men of getting by on the blockchain where the playing field is about as level as it could possibly be. Do the women really need help here? It would be interesting to see some statistics regarding this.

I suppose its nice for girls to 'go to the bathroom together' with these things, but it weakens the idea of being independent and open minded and encourages a gender specific circle jerk that I just think we could do without, frankly.

...a model that will attribute 25% of post rewards towards a fund that goes directly back to female creators.

I just... yeah. Evidence that this is remotely necessary before I can personally support the idea.

I just have to say: "But why?" I understand if you want to start some kind of girls club as a gag or for fun, but this goes waaay beyond anything i see as necessary. During my time here on Steemit, i havent seen one single thing that would even make me think this is something that should exist.

I dont see a "Guy only initiative for promoting work by male creators". What about: "Initiative for empowering white creators"... We will call it "White empowerment".. Everybody would lose their mind if someone did that.

This imo just creates unnecessary division within the community. Not only do i think its not a positive initiative, but rather exactly the opposite. I think it sets a bad example.
All the luck to the girls in charge, i truly dont think you had bad intentions.

I think i must agree with you. Why do we have to seperate ourselves at all in this non physical world..
Surely creating divisions is going backwards??

this is part of men hating ideology.....it's not feminism anymore....it's feminazism

It is a cool and beautiful Steemit post with inspirational female Steemians. In NO way does it do what you are suggesting. I'm a teacher and reposted this picture on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Many of my students appreciated and shared this artistic uplifting post bringing more people to Steemit

Totalmente de acuerdo con tu comentario, no creo en la discriminacion de ningun tipo, si no en la integracion, y creo que eso es lo que hace interesante a steemit, la participacion de hombres y mujeres en terminos igualitarios en esta plataforma.

I'm with you on this. There are lots of women on this platform doing very well. If the project wants to bring to light the creatives on this platform who are not getting the support and recognition they deserve, I'm fully behind it. Making it women centered.. seems rather elitist to me.

Women is incredibly necessary to mass adoption in Crypto. it's nice sign that these days not solely men square measure talikng concerning crypto. wanting forward during this nice project. @Steemdunk

I agree with you.

But I am confuse😞😞

Women are very important to mass adoption in Crypto. It is a great sign that nowadays not only men are talking about crypto. Looking forward to this great project @steemcafe

Great ideas .. smart steps .. all thumbs up to you @steemcafe

We need women if we need to be successful in the crypto world

We need anyone. Why do we need to concentrate on sexes or genders?? In the UK the worst performing group are white working class boys. they need a leg up too..

I totally agree

I agree with you

Go for it - great project and so needed.

I love it already. It's a nice project

Already bored to death by this... Women need zero empowerment. Women in the West literally CANNOT fail.

thanks for the information, I se @museplatform doing great in the nearest future. Blockchain need more of this kind of project we are happy to have Muse here.

I agree. Just like using blockchain to unite anything this branch is very important. Empowering people like this will change the world.

Nice post man!

I want a powerful Steem Woman in my life.

Manifestation in process...

This is absolutely wonderful!

Not only do women need to support the strength of themselves and other women.. so do men. So often in life, men do not empower women... It's truly sad. Women are the reason each and every one of us is even here. They are the life-givers, the nurturers, the essence of being. Without them, we are nothing, and we need to do a much better job of lifting them up and giving them the support they deserve.

A wonderful initiative and I'm going to enjoy watching this unfold and expand. It's a beautiful thing and I hope that many many more people join in supporting this. :)

Hope you're all having a blessed day! :)

Very cool! Followed and upvoted!

It's wonderful to have such an initiative. I read till the end and more.. I read most of the comments. I notice some nasty ones. Many good & appreciative ones. Just like the people in this world, there are all sorts of people on Steemit. But life goes on.. & well done on starting the Muse Project.. All the best

welcome ladies :)

All photography was nice , thank you ...

Your post is always different i follow your blog everytime , your post is so helpful . I always inspire of your post on my steem work . Thank you for sharing @steemcafe

Follow my blog @powerupme

This is one of the best project in entire crypto space. I fully support it. All the best ladies. Love u all for such an initiative.

Through a constant flow of enriching content from the collective, and also the content of featured female creators from the platform.

I like it very much

not only is your comment spam but you up vote it your self. PATHETIC!

Tell me about it ;0

Please Stop - @muzammil381

You just said "i like it" and in your your last 100 comments you used 31 phrases considered to be spam and you made this exact same comment 1 times. You've received 11 flags and you may see more on comments like these. These comments are the reason why your Steem Sincerity API classification scores are Spam: 70.30% and Bot: 6.30%

Please stop making comments like this and read the ways to avoid @pleasestop and earn the support of the community.

I am really happy with the purpose of "muse project" which empowers women to find their creative voice. it is time for women to show their true identity.

hopefully "muse project" really become the goddess of inspiration for all of us. amen @everlove @lindseylambz @saramiller @coruscate @ogc

This is a fantastic project, for 1 its a great cause for 2 these are some STEEMY chicks/goddesses!!!!!

They really are all so wonderful!

your post Is a awesome

Que buen proyectos, mujeres como ustedes valen la pena, muchos éxitos, mujeres emprendedoras, las mujeres somos lo maximo. Saludos y éxito en su proyecto amigos.

I liked it

Very positive project! That is what steemit should promote

Great post , this woman’s are amazing, we should all try to make this place better for everyone.Greats job !

@snowpea I hope you will enjoy this companion

Very good post, amazing Hercules-br-disneyscreencaps.com-56.jpg

awesome! im a girl from venezuela, south america, tattoo artist, dancer, painter, and i love steemit and the crypto, the people here pays me with sbd for my work and i work in a tattoo studio that only women are the artist, try to recover the ancestral vibe of chamanism, long life to the female power now its our moment! and steemit its the tool, blessings

Great Post about a Great Group of Gals (alliteration challenge LOL) 😀
It was awesome meeting them all at the Steem Creator Conference in Las Vegas. So much talent and knowledge, not to mention just loving awesome people. It really was exciting to see it in its 1st public appearance and start.
I can see great things coming. I can't wait for more from @museproject 😃

Thank you so much for all of the support, @steemcafe. We are grateful to have a supporter such as you.

sounds a great project, i wish to try it very soon, Thanks for sharing this with us. @steemcafe

damn and you posted only 2 hours ago ,life has a way with things ...anyway great thing your doing ..what i love about the blockchain is that it can be accesible to everyone ,even children and those who in society were considered weak ..im all about empowering the weak i mostly think of children ..mostly those with abusive parents i want them to be free from now on and forever

After reading your article I remembered the role of women in modern society. For many centuries the main purpose of the beautiful half of humanity was the continuation of the genus. The woman acted only as the Keeper of the hearth, while all kinds of contact with the outside world took on a man. This, naturally, gave him the right to consider a woman much lower than himself in status, therefore, to treat it accordingly. But in our time of technological progress, scientific discoveries, the situation has changed dramatically. A woman in today's society has a very different status and vocation, she has other values and needs that force to reconsider views on the role of women in today's world. This makes it clear that women in the modern world are the first to achieve success in work, career development, material independence, and only then the status of wife and mother.

This is a huge project and as a feminist it is my deepest wish that your muse project should see the light of day. If I was a woman I will be looking for the sign-up bottom or probably kick one of the five out and take her spot 😂
Nice one ladies

As soon as i saw the project i fell in love with him. It is a great initiative, and I would like to be able to contribute to the @museproject. The empowerment of women, Great, beautiful! Many successes! @anomalous.one

Thank you, @anonmalous.one. @ogc is accepting content submissions via email at this time. theohgeecee@gmail.com. Email ideas to her and she will send back information. Thank you again.

Awesome creativity❤ great work

First of,i gotta say the main picture is really catchy
And i really think the muse project is a very good idea and i'd love to be a part of it

U like supergirl... ^_^

This post has received a 42.26 % upvote from @boomerang.

Wow wow Its Really the Very Very most wonderful pictures, and many beautiful project. i love it

what an amazing idea! steemit is so dominated by male voices its nice to see some powerful females in the mix!

Wow... Great post... That I like...

Great post!
Thanks for tasting the eden!

Wow Its Aowsome i cant bealive nice photography YOU ARE GREAT contine we are join with you


I dont know what is muse but this post has a lot axcha

Axcha kerak busa yat shishasinski

Hey @, great post! GOOD
I enjoy your content Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see nice content on Steemit! :)

Hey @, great post! GOOD
I enjoy your content Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see nice content on Steemit! :)

Really like it

same too!

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