musk is one of the children from the dutch people who have colonized south afrika. back then it wasnt allowed to have children between white and blacks, and later the blacks started to turn against the whites (the genocide is still ongoing) so a mix between the races isnt very likely eather.
Amerika was colonized at about the same time. that would make trump as much of an European as musk. nothing special here.
Trump congratulating musk on his achievement and calls it american engineering isnt far of the truth. SpaceX is an american company, with american workers. musk wouldnt have been able to do this in south afrika.
the point of immigration ill just say statistics show different idea's. just because 1 immigrant douse something good dousnt mean honderds of millions of immigrants are all going to do the same.
And im pretty sure Musk is there legaly. I dont recall Trump ever taking issue with that. I dont think its correct to say that blacks turned against whites. The Khosian tribes worked with the dutch and pretty soon had children together, the people making a big fuss dont seem to have been in south africa at that point as far as i can tell.