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RE: Psychiatrist says Trump shouldn't have access to nuclear button

in #news7 years ago

or, he could be a very sane and rational person in an insane progressive society
He could be a person with what was until recently common moral values in a society with no moral values.
He could be a person who sees right as right and wrong as wrong, as opposed to the progressive view that there is no right there is no wrong, anything goes were yes means no, no means nothing, right is wrong, and wrong is right.
Just a thought


The thing is that right is right and wrong is wrong ONLY in a legal framework (which Trump has repeatedly tried to circumvent in my opinion) Why I disagree with you is that unless the Rule of Law exists, every body's right or everybody's wrong is of equal weight and that cannot be otherwise you have pandemonium. By the way I wasn't joking about Trump's stability AT ALL. He does seem to be suffering from something or a combination of somethings as any person can at his age.

BTW: I am neither "Progressive" or "Conservative". I have problems with all of you guys.

hmmm...while at the same time undoing the many many violations of rule of law that Obama violated.
Obama circumvented the courts as well as the legislature routinely
Are you as critical of Obama as you are the president that is trying the up hill battle of setting things strait?

I am quite curious to get examples of a “progressive view” of no right or wrong - anything goes” and were yes means no and no means yes.

Start with "common core" educational system where it is actively taught that anything goes except what violates the views of the viewer: atheism is openly accepted, bible or Christian views are scorned.
Read news regularly from various sources: look at antifa, or the outrage on campuses when 'another viewpoint' is offered up in a venue that purports itself as defenders of free speech:
'it is right if it conports to my view and is wrong if it does not'
also: general history of society = promoting self reliance produces a self reliant people,
promoting dependency (entitlements unearned) produces a society dependent on handouts. Think about this my friend. on your own. Progressivism teaches opposites and pushes society into accepting one world big brother dependence on elitists who 'know what is good for us so must make our decisions for us'

Christianity is not scorned. People that hold other individuals accountable for their personal beliefs are scorned. Atheism isn't openly accepted. I routinely get told I'm a bad person for my lack of faith.

  1. Christianity is constantly scorned publicly = read current news, read history = College professors are regularly in the news scorning Christians.
  2. Atheism = no (a) God (the) belief (ism). Many many are in the news proclaiming atheism openly; specifically proclaiming atheism. Many many more, who do not use the term "atheism", push hard on 'no God' conclusions. Secular Humanism is 'atheism' (SH's god is "man").
  3. you have faith, just not faith in the God of the Bible
  4. individual people who call you a bad person for your "lack of faith" are not Christians even if they call themselves 'christian'.
    Being "Christian" is to believe in and attempt to 'be like the Christ' by following the tenants of the faith written in the NT. If a "christian" does not reflect 1 corinthians 13, AND 'the golden rule' Mathew 7:12.
  5. everyone has faith. most faith is misplaced. Religion is not captive to Christianity, and being "religious" is very often far from being "Christian".

Faith and understanding the scientific method and the power of the peer review process are entirely different things...

the peer review process is meticulous in gleaning out other scientists that disagree with the pack.
the peers chosen to be published are peers generally in total accord with the belief system the peer selection comes from...
Scientific American Magazine was created by a strong Christian man that wanted to bring science to the general population.
Now Scientific American does not allow publication of known bias there is there?

they are the same
faith in evolution is based on certain scientific impossibilities actually happened against all odds
Faith in creation is based on certain scientific impossibilities actually happened against all odds
Faith is secular humanism is a faith of the imaginations of men
Faith in the Bible is a faith in the word of God

OK, let’s focus on what we agree on, as there seems to be quite a few….

  1. Common core educational system. It is the tradition of America, laid out by its founders, that there is separation of church and state. You are correct, therefore, that it would be highly inappropriate for schools to teach their students that God DOES NOT exist. It would equally be inappropriate for schools (public schools, as I believe that parents have the right to choose a religious private school for their children) to teach students that God DOES exist. This should not be a function of schools but instead for churches. I have grown up in the public school system and have gone as far as getting my Master’s degree. I have never once been taught at any of my schools that God either does or does not exist. There are also plenty of Christians who agree with Darwinism – there is room for both views and they do not have to cancel one another out. As far as atheism is concerned…. It is a non-religion therefore there is nothing there to be taught. I am not sure what you mean by “everything goes”, therefore I can’t comment on that.
  1. Antifa: A person or group actively opposing fascism. Merriam-Webster definition of fascism: “a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition”. Shouldn’t every American be against fascism? Talk about the “big brother state” – sounds horrible. That being said, you are correct that any militant group who uses violence, including antifa, should not be tolerated. This includes fascist militia, extreme radical religious militia (Jewish, Muslim, AND Christian groups), white nationalist militia, and any other extreme militant groups who use violence to try to gain control of the people.
  1. “Outraged college students”. Well, what can I say about that… our youth needs to get over themselves and lighten up. I fear my generation may have done too much coddling to their offspring. Many professors and students are fighting back, however: if you don’t like what they have to say, don’t come. At the same time, I think any institution has a right to stop speech if it is hate speech that can cause harm and enflame violence within the community. Notably, the “snow flake” phenomenon is not exclusive to left leaning people.
  1. “Promoting self-reliance produces a self-reliant people,
    promoting dependency (entitlements unearned) produces a society dependent on handouts”. If America was a true meritocracy this would be a fair statement. American meritocracy, however, is a myth. I agree that those who have privilege (which they have not earned) should not accept handouts. Corporate welfare and tax cuts for the morbidly rich are perfect examples. If there is such a creature such as the welfare queen, I agree she should be stopped. I live in an urban setting, however, and have not come across one of these creatures. Addicts, yes. The working poor who are working two jobs just to get food on the table, yes. The homeless, yes. Criminals, yes. A woman with 6 kids living a cushy life-style on their welfare check, no. The true welfare queens that abuse tax paying welfare systems are businesses who use fraudulent practices for their own financial gain. That should be stopped.
  1. “Progressivism teaches opposites”: Not sure I understand that point, so at this time I have no comment.
  1. “Pushes society into accepting one world big brother dependence on elitists who 'know what is good for us so must make our decisions for us'”: I agree the “big brother state” (aka. a totalitarian state where the ruling Party wields total power "for its own sake" over its inhabitants) should never come to fruition. I assume that anyone who has read “1984” does not want this to happen. There seems, however, to be a disagreement on which “elitists” are the ones pushing for this state. Snowden blew the whistle on the NSA – yet look who stopped net neutrality (something both the left and right for the most part did not want stopped). Additionally, look who has made it legal for for-profit private organizations to watch, gather information, and steal from American citizens. Perhaps someday we all can agree who these “elitists” really are and smash them in their place. much misinformation I have not the time or energy to address in a simple reply, and certainly do not want the effort to be lost in this string: follow me in my 2020 vision posts and I will properly address your lengthy retort systematically but in short installments. This specific subjest is my primary purpose for my recent joining of steem...I hope to see you may take some time to properly address each point...I am new at this steem thing, old and slow...but I will get there. Bless you friend. :-)

I may consider it if you give me an idea on what you consider misinformation

Please bear with me a bit. New to this steemy thing and having a bit of a time navigating back & forth, finding strings, confusing for me. But I do intend to address the above...TIA

It seems to me that Trump may have developed a mild form of dementia in recent years. He seems sharper in interviews given a couple of decades ago. That would go a long way to explain his strange tweets.

his tweets was/is a segway or natural progression from his early days.
He used to use sensationalist 'newspapers' a lot, and very purposefully.
He would plant an article on a hot topic, generate public interest (pos & neg)
and then proceed towards his goals from there.
Tweeting is more efficacious and much more handy.
My personal take on people 'not liking that he tweets' is:
They hate the content and the fact that his word, views, plans, opinions get out to the public...the main stream media hates that = they want to control the narrative =
a power taken away from them by tweets from a bold man with a plan...

@stanfordlocke you really got me hooked with this piece of comment. had to read it thrice!

;-) don't keep it to yourself ;-)
our country is on an historic 'knife edge'
spread the word

How is he sane/healthy? His obvious faults are the constant lying (whether intentional or pathological remains to be determined), and his narcissism. He's not humble, he's not tactful, he's not doing any good for the commonwealth. His policies favor the rich.

Hmmm...How would you compare Trump's lies to those of the Clinton Family, and Obama?

I would say he's far more prolific with his lies and more obvious.

have you ever listened to Hilary?
compared her promises to her accomplishments?
Her pre first lady days?
my lord!