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RE: Steve Bannon -- Secret Agent Man?

in #news7 years ago

I am on board, given the evidence/or lack there of, with the theory Seth Rich is not the primary leaker. His alleged murder is one of a couple of cover stories concocted to protect the deeply entrenched crime syndicate.

If this is the case, then I suspect Julian Assange knows it as well.

The Awan Brothers indictments/disclosures are a more important gateway to help Trump drain the swamp. Fox News yesterday came out with reporting the Awan Brothers were selling "state secrets" to foreign governments including Russia, which they could not have done without the conscious support of the State Department, at least 20 democratic congressmen and the DNC.

If whatever is happening with Julian does not fuel the unraveling of the Adventures of the Awans, (whom participate in the initial layers of the rabbit hole we are calling the "deep state" with many more layers still occluded) and only focuses our attention on a cover story, then it seems to me it will usher in a sigh of relief for Hillary, her henchmen and the Cabal.