Justice for "Just Us", for the rest freedom & justice are an illusion.
Morning Ritual: Make coffee, then check Facebook for news back home from family/friends.
This morning was not quite as enjoyable as most.... so many worried about the breaking down of the American Culture (fights and riots over race, sexual orientation, threats of world and civil war, abuses from the educational system up to the police and lawmakers, anything to argue and fight about seems to be the attractive topic of each day).
All too often I observe in my New Feed much about the abuse of power by not just politicians yet by most who hold positions of authority and power. The respect for that authority and power, although usually given to protect and serve those who put them there, is now abused more often then not.
Take the example discovered today. If it does not disgust you, does not prompt you to want to scream for accountability and change, I hope you seriously decide to examine your own ethics and morals before walking out your own door today.
Please take the time to watch the video (nothing relative to being not safe for work; though disturbing, suggestive, and thought-provoking, said video does not contain any detailed explicit imagery - for educational and research purposes).
The full story can be found here (Full dashcam video released in 2015 roadside strip search).
IMAGE SOURCE: Screenshot from released dashcam video
According to the article written by Brian Rogers and St. John Barned-Smith (Updated 8:51 am, Tuesday, August 15, 2017):
"The lawyer for a 23-year-old woman suing the Harris County Sheriff's Office over a roadside body cavity search is asking for a special prosecutor to be appointed following the district attorney's office dismissal of the cases against two deputies charged with official oppression.
Attorney Sam Cammack, flanked by protesters and Black Lives Matter activists at a news conference Monday in front of the Harris County Criminal Courthouse, said the two deputies should be on trial instead of having their cases dismissed on the eve of trial.
The deputies - Ronaldine Pierre and William Strong - have adamantly denied any wrongdoing and were cleared by an internal investigation."
Even if the victim of this crime (rape by police) were to be holding any amount of marijuana on or in her person, is forcing her to drop her pants in public while being internally probed really the correct and right way to handle the situation? Is there a book somewhere which justifies and protects such action? Wouldn't it make just as much sense to detain this person and have her professionally examined in a more appropriate, sterile, and PRIVATE environment?
Note in the video, although the officer doing the examination is wearing gloves the officer is also touching the vehicle and the ground (and who knows what else) with those same gloves they are using to dig around inside another person's privates!
Also note how the officer in the foreground is doing his best not only to hide what is going on from the dashcam (using the door of the victim's car to block view, using his own body attempting to obscure details and view), as well as keeping his back turned to the action taking place (either out of embarrassment or for reasons of plausible deniability, neither of which should have even been in his thoughts in those moments [he is there being paid to protect and serve the poor women on the ground being raped, not being paid to protect and serve his own kind]).
And why 11 minutes, why did they force this woman to remain half-naked on the ground for over 11 minutes while these "police" examine and spotlight and dig around inside her? It makes absolutely no sense. Anything over a couple of minutes examining is no longer justifiable searching, it's perverse voyeurism.
Of course we do not know the whole story and can only judge based on what we know. And from what I have seen so far, this is beyond inappropriate (to the point of criminal).
Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions in a reply below. Do you think this is justified, do you feel satisfied these police were "in the right" and only doing what they were trained to do? Do you see a criminal on the ground or a victim?
I will share with you that these kinds of occurrences are among the many MANY reasons why I had chosen to leave the United States of America, and yet am learning the rest of the world is being forced to either be a victim of U.S. Policy or are seeking to adopt/clone those same policies and behaviors.
Disgust is what I feel for what is happening "back home".... hopeless disgust.
More on this article can be found here.

Deep State is deep.