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RE: Analaysis: Anatomy of a Troll Nest on Steemit

in #news7 years ago

I do not trust Wikipedia as a source. There have been many occasions where I, or my ex has attempted to edit it to clarify or correct the record and we've seen on various political subjects that the control over content there is NOT something to be trusted. I do use wikipedia to find out what new information I should ALSO research about a subject, but I don't trust Wikipedia's say so on any subject as gospel truth. I understand you've had some bad experiences with some people. I just don't think you can make some of the conclusions you have made about some of the people you are lumping in. I agree that KimDotCom is a shady character. I also don't know what to make of Suzie. But I've largely stopped paying attention to their stuff as a result.


I am fairly certain the "Internet Party" of new zealand would be able to maintain its own wikipedia page and point out sources that reported on Suzie Dawson's harassment without TPTB preventing it.

On most matters wikipedia is informative, I have heard that the editing process is just quite difficult as there are so many rules.

On matters of israel/palestine or Monsanto or Tianmnen square, I know there is disinformation and they prevent the truth from being known.

A news source, a politician, a journalist, should make it a priority to maintain their own wikipedia page.

Here are for example two well maintained pages on two sources I find credible:

You will notice all of the sites listed as being part of the troll nest simply have no corroborating backstory. And of course, then shills come, as sit666 did, to claim that the entire hole in my argument here is that I trust wikipedia, at all. But I have learned to trust it more than I trust sit666, or you for that matter.

If you are a reputable new source or a politician or a journalist, there will be a network of creditility that can be found. If a popup news site has no corroborating back story, or one fraught with strangeness like mintpressnews, then the site is not real journalism and shouldn't be trusted.

A core competency of anyone who claims to be a journalist is understanding what credibilty is and providing it to those who read their content.

Someone is paying a lot of money to cut corners and make people trust content because of whalevotes on steemit, and I'm not going to be part of it.

I have had only bad experiences with all of the people mentioned here, and it would be obvious to anyone who read the article or researched it what they are doing.

I don't know how you can read this post and then at the end say 'i don't know what to make of suzie', please read the article before you comment so you can address the arguments presented, otherwise silence would be more appropriate, thanks.

More hypocritical nonsense.

Firstly, you claim to trust Truthdig, but guess who covered Internet Party #AntiSpyBill series which I hosted last year? Truthdig.

Secondly, of course The Internet Party page is about The Internet Party, not about me. The Internet Party certainly does not assign resources to monitoring Wikipedia pages and nor should it.

Thirdly, you can establish my "network of credibility" by simply clicking on my website which is literally posted at the bottom of every single one of my Steemit posts. There you can find ample testimony by people who know me/about my case, dozens of interviews I've done (none of which you've clearly bothered listening to or reading at all)

Your "article" substitutes random Wikipedia searches for actual journalistic sourcing. Which is why so few are taking you seriously. If you are going to make false allegations about people you could at least put more effort into it than typing things into Wikipedia.

That's me - sit666 - the shill - LOL...