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RE: Every Police Officer Should be Wearing a Body Camera

in #news8 years ago

I agree. Every officer should wear a body camera. But I would go further. I would want them trained in negotiation, mediation and some form of martial arts/self defense.


I agree , body cams alone will not work , for one way too many times they get turned off or a malfunction is cited , police in this country need a re education and that they don't want to talk about , most don't even know the laws their supposed to uphold , if you are asked by a cop and you refuse to answer , you get called uncooperative , if you refuse a cop to search your car , you get arrested , they will state probable cause or manufacture it , now that being said not all cops are bad but way too many have a us versus them attitude where they think they are in the right and you have none , that's a problem , with the worlds highest population of incarcerated people ,somebody should already have caught on , but the prison industry is a huge moneymaker so locking people up for stupid things just feeds then machine that much more , when a police department or officer gets sued for gross injustice , it's not the cop that pays , nor the department , it's tax dollars , they roll the cost to you , police people skills are non existent , the excuse fearing for my life justifying an immediate leveling of a gun and shooting shows their lack of being able to deal and comprehend situations and would rather shoot and end any potential situation , excessive and overwhelming force is another issue , when it takes 5 -6 cops to subdue a person, they lack some basic hand to hand techniques to deal with the situation , the process for becoming a cop are a joke , because if your intelligent and score too high on their entry level exams they don't want you , they are looking for doers and followers not thinkers , this impact's the basic police mentality right from the get go , other countries have way less police issues than we do yet we are supposed to be the world's greatest , reality is we are far from it and with the rise of the police state it will get way worse before it gets better .