Political atheist, that is me. And my UK trip.

in #news11 months ago (edited)


See that road, that is now my road.

Every year I repair that road, the council says us farmers do not pay enough tax to be worthy of a tarmac road, yet in the local town, there is no factory, there is nothing but kebab shops, grocery shops, bars with no customers, hotels running at a loss as nobody wants to come here, but yep, they will eat our food, but give us tarmac?.....

You see in town, they pull up roads that are perfect, and lay another, because. They also erect modern art statues, nobody asked for, nobody wants.
Most of the council is elected by friends and family, who you know, not what you can do, and so it is, those of us that grow the food they eat, well like Europe over, we are scum.

It was Neil Oliver of GBNews fame, the Scottish man that knows his history better than I know motorbikes and engineering put together that coined the phrase yesterday. "Political atheist" and it struck a chord deep in me, like I had just joined the #metoo movement, but without the victim-hood aspect.

Here it is. Credit him, them, youtube, god and anyone else you need to make the link valid, I identify as perfect and in no need to make you feel good about complaining, my pronouns are fuck and you if you are of the picking on people bothered to write and input original thought to it sort of alleged person.

I digress.

Now back to that road, I/we have letters from the council stating they will no longer cut or maintain the long grass and weeds at the side of the roads, they also feel no need to maintain the roads as quote "we farmers and the few local private residents do not pay enough tax to deem it appropriate"......

So we are putting in a claim to the road as "abandoned land" by the council.

Hey if I have to use my material, time and tools to fix it, it is then MINE.

Now I went with my wife last month when she went to vote for these parasites, everyone she voted for did not get in, but the established did, AGAIN.

Those established are nasty, vile people, connected to those that have a lot of fake Fiat money you see.

Why do I say they are vile, thanks for asking.
Someone put a photo up last year of how bad that road was I repaired today, on fakebook, and it went viral. The local parasite in charge of said road phoned up my next door down farm and was angry, demanded the picture taken down, she said do we know how much it costs to fix a dirt road, and also blamed my wife for the photo, my wife with no camera, and no fakebook account, my wife is still waiting, patiently to see the old bag in the street.

And this is why when on the way to vote I said, "do you think your vote really makes a difference?" ...........
I just went to look at all those giving up their time to let people vote, for free, unpaid, when I know for a FACT the mayor was caught burning votes last time, and was with no surprise voted back in again.....

So may I reiterate my point, I am a political atheist, or as a good Scots comedian once said, "anyone running for office wanting to be a politician, should be banned for life. Billy Connolly at his best.


AI image from pixaby innit.

My trip to the UK?

Put it this way, it was easier to get in, I did not see 1 single human when entering, full stop. It took an age to get out.
Says it all about the UK.

I had not been there for a decade, I will never go again. Scatter my ashes in the wind, cart me back there in a box to bury me and carry a curse of a thousand bumble bees in your pants every time you fart......

I will cover that topic another time, in full, and say it how it is, and was, the bleeding hearts have let all manner of perverts, convicts, and anyone else in, and they all live for free, well done you.

On that note I have to walk a dog, take a shave, and hope for another day in this clown world tomorrow. Have a superb weekend.


I think this says it all!
post turtles (3).jpg

LOL I love it, kakistocracy rules the day.
kak·​is·​toc·​ra·​cy ˌkakə̇ˈstäkrəsē
plural kakistocracies
: government by the worst people


Or the least qualified.