
Did he bring the cute baby??

The baby of peace

The nothing burger is rotting. What will the leftist do without this steady stream of Fake News? I am sure Trump will give them something else to chew on, while he continues to make America Great Again.

The GOP is dead, long live the republic!

Trump, trolling the libtard media sense the 1980s.

When you believe your political views make you a "good person", naturally anyone without those views are seen as horrible. Leftists HATE the right because they don't have the correct "enlightened" views. Thats how they justify the dehumanization in their heads. Wack.

The sort of worldview you describe is a byproduct of the slave mindset that rejects grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Those who deny the power and importance of these philosophies will condemn themselves to serfdom.

Critical Theory

Useful Idiots.

Actually, while the left is deadly allergic to logic they seem to subsist entirely on a diet of rhetoric. They use nothing except emotionally charged phrases and words.