in #news8 years ago (edited)

by SGT,

On July 6th I received a STRIKE against my You Tube account for an interview I did with researcher Sofia Smallstorm. I uploaded that interview and posted it to You Tube ... 22 MONTHS AGO.

You Tube removed the interview two days ago claiming that it violated the community guidelines which prohibit "predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, bullying or intimidation."

Because the video was removed by You Tube, I can no longer review it, but I can assure you that neither Sofia or I committed ANY of those violations as we lucidly discussed an "event", a shooting which occurred in Virginia. But since You Tube now acts as the judge, jury and executioner, FACTS no longer matter, only the charges, no matter how unfounded they may be.

And if You Tube can issue a strike against a conversation like that one, they can issue a strike against ANY content at ANY time for ANY reason. And THAT'S how You Tube will KILL free speech: One video - and one channel - at a time.


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Hey SGTREPORt, Seriously consider making at least one more youtube channel so you can upload your videos there too if you get banned. It is ok to do this many channels due and tell your subs to sub to that so they know where to go. YT is going crazy with strikes.

Also, don't partner with Youtube's adsense, go find a MCN, Multi Channel Network. When I had my videos flagged they helped me get it resolved. IF you try to resolve it yourself with Adsense they won't get back to you, they only talk with higher up channels that have millions of subs. The reason to join a MCN is because they actually can talk to YT and get things resolved.

You would likely make 10% to 20% less money though since the MCn takes a cut, but I tink it is worth it. Seriously see if you can find a good one that lets you be free and do what you want to do.

Upvoted myself so you could see this comment(I have been in your situation). Let me know if you want to talk more about it dude :)

I up Voted your Comment too. I think everyone will be on STEEMIT that has great content on Youtube that way if all your content is here and you get PAID to have stuff on STEEMIT there is no reason to care about Youtube anymore. STEEM ON !!!

Re-upvoted truthforce, I will work on creating a backup channel. I technically already have one that I think is "officially" on You Tube AS "SGT report"... I started in 3 or 4 years ago. I better look into how the heck I did that and what email I used in order to revive it.

Are any steemians working on an alternative to youtube? It would be nice to remove all revenue to google/facebook/twitter etc......

Some YouTubers who've had their monetization shut off have been promoting Vidme as an alternative to YouTube.

Thanks, checking it out.

Despite their appeals to content creators, Vidme has censorship issues as bad as Youtube, I hear.

Of course you didn't violate have influence they know people listen to you so they're gonna keep attacking you.

They're fuckin done. Once Steemit adds the option to upload vids directly to this platform...none of us will need YouTube anymore. The blockchains will destroy them all so to that I say...FULL STEEM AHEAD!!!!!!!!


SteemIt eats ALL other social media???

I have a hard time seeing how ANY of these dinosaur social networks are supposed to survive ESPECIALLY if SteemIt adds a video option.

If SteemIt does that, Facebook and YouTube will BOTH become the new MySpace of social media LOL!!!

What's left after a hostile takeover of Facebook and YouTube?

I believe we will see the fall of Facebook and YouTube with the rise of SteemIt.

Sean @sgtreport i'm glad to see you on SteemIt! #SteemOn!!

they will end up killing themselves like CNN

dj, right on, CNN is such toast - an implosion the likes of which we've rarely ever seen

We are leaving the free speech era and enter the permitted speech era. It is a gradual process.

Remember kids, commies don't fight fair. They use theft, force, lies, diversion, propaganda, censorship, violence and terrorism to achieve their ends. steemit allows free speech, rewards content providers based on audience support and wraps it all up in a crypto blockchain of the future. This is the first time I've ever heard of a win win win win situation in my life....

Blockchain technology will change how the word works and social media patfoms that promotes free speach and open discussion, will emerge.

very truth and yet you tube is the one who is killing its own self by forcing people to leave

Don't get me wrong, YouTube have a RIGHT to censor videos, however they like. It's not like content uploaders HAVE to use YouTube. We know YouTube is monitored and controlled by evil people at the top, so why persist using it?

To me, it represents an opportunity for another video platform to be created. Have any alt-media celebrities backed an alternative, yet?

Twitter and Facebook also censor profiles and comments. A friend of mine got his FB account deleted because he uploaded pictures of his sculptures, which mostly featured naked people, on a daily basis.
Facebook reason was that it was considered child pornography because one picture he uploaded was a fountain containing child taking a bath with his family (there was nothing sexual in the picture beside the fact that every statue in the scene was naked beause, you know, nobody uses clothes to take a bath).

At least Steemit allows free speech and nobody can censor it.

Freedom of speech is priceless, we risk losing it with our silence.

They're getting desperate to control the Sandy Hoax narrative.

Create a new video sharing site! We will follow you there as we followed you here.

I'm on Bitchute too, which is VERY cool, but the reach is teeny tiny.

The best thing that you can do now is to look for alternative solution(s). It is important to break the Youtube monopsony as soon as possible

You are connected with a great network of alternative thinkers. Talk with them, interview them and be creative. I am optimistic that if you are convincing enough you can easily get help from many people... ;-)

upvoted and resteemed

Someone sharing the truth gets a strike while people bragging about the money and cars they have made on YouTube gets millions of views.

Yep. Case in point: Jake Paul. That's how ya know the NWO powers that be only want dumbed down sheep who care only about vanity.

There will be a mass exodus sooner rather than later of all alternative media from YT and FB. The obvious in-your-face censorship tactics and view suppression algorithms are designed to do exactly that.

Keep in mind, YT takes a 45% cut of advertising dollars that content providers earn. That considered, it must be asked how long the community will tolerate creating content for YT, which is then used to fund censorship, propaganda, social engineering and disinformation.

Content creators are funding the beast by continuing to participate in the YT combine. The problem we all face however is that if YT succeeds in censoring and driving away almost all alternative media sources, who will wake up the sheeple to their indentured servitude?

I still very skeptical I do not think the black chain technology is not censored and stored the power at be just let you enjoy it for a while and when mainstream involved then starting change the game there is nothing new Under the Sun

Youtube needs to pass on. We need to support STEEMIT and other platforms away from YT/FB/TWITTER/REDDIT and Google!

It might be a good idea for YouTubers in your situation to upload a backup to a personal channel. The quality is better, and your followers can find you here and reward you accordingly.

Not a chance that'd happen on Steemit!

Hi SGTReport,

As a subscriber of your channel, I have a lot of respect for the information you put out. I do though feel that the youtube crackdown is a blessing in disguise.

I mean, it isn't like we, as a collective, are not aware of how they operate, who pulls their strings, their monopoly position, their ridiculous cut (45%) of every creators revenue.....we all know they basically operate as a parasite.

The faster they try to pull the plug on freedom of speech, the faster the desire and demand for decentralized alternatives. The shift is happening in real time, the absolute refusal to be censored, the refusal to be controlled by parasitic corporations, the desire for community, for the good of all, the collective uprising of consciousness is not going to fall back.

Youtube, to me, represents a past consciousness. Sure, it is still top dog for now, but the exodus will be fast and furious and really, the game they are trying to play is resistant , fear-based and old. it is going to die.

Please support the SteemQ project if you want freedom from Youtube censorship