
I used to watch Johnathan Kleck on YT until he blocked me for asking about underground reptilians, like the ones whistle-blower Phil Schneider and Donald Marshall talk about. I only brought it up b/c he was discussing dragons and the Vatican ...

But, he does seem to be onto something regarding the Hoover Dam and a planned false flag.

Woo Woo I'll say! My upvote & resteem good sir . . .
Matthew 24:27

it didnt happen though. Im not sure what the point is. wouldnt they have just did it if that was the plan. seems like they have squandered the element of surprise otherwise, right?

They drip feed their intentions like the cartoon Lisa Simpson with the 9\11 leaflet, on the $ bills and more. They stage events for the public..because the 'crazy' was shouting about the OIG report, Joe public assumes only crazies bother looking at that.

The NWO/deep state and politicians in general are so sure of their power and consider Joe public frightened idiots.

Nice rabbit hole.

Video left me speechless, let's pray they will not pull off anything like that.

I never heard anybody else mentioning theJonathanKleck until now. Hope people will check out his work -- fascinating.
He made great vids about the Vatican. Snake & other symbolism. Very difficult to listen to, takes 20 mins. to get to the point, however very compelling stuff he's presenting.

The great awakening is occurring exponentially . The truth is whats going to burst that dam . It won’t be long know before more challengers to the status quo resend their programming and fight the terror controlling our beloved republic . Interesting video . 👏👍✌️♥️