Hey nolnocluap, I really appreciate that. Some have commented on this video "just get to the point", but that opening part kinda was the point. Amidst all of this endless corruption and overt deceit, we only have each other, the precious few who are truly awake.
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Yes it's a crucial point. We walk the tightrope balancing the exposure of truth with retaining the credibility to still do so by avoiding social recluse status. Challenging even without the high stakes.
I ponder Samuel Adams' famous "It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." and fear that this seemingly timeless principle may no longer apply in the day of drones and mass surveillance. Do we still have sufficient tools and audience to "set brushfires" @sgtreport? I hope so!