
we did up vote and resteem for all to see

Nice job mixing a Biblical quote with the exposing of DNC corruption. The truth will come out and justice will be doled out. Thanks for your brave work to expose difficult truths.

@sgtreport I don't mind if the Govt. Shuts Down FOREVER......................

Government is evil. Support for government is ridiculous. People who believe the Constitution will save them are expressing traumatic signs of Stockholm Syndrome.

Thank YOU for tuning in and upvoting. God Bless.

Sean this is me ronshekelson. the link doesn't work in the comment section. I'm also friends with Frank bacon. I don't know him well but he gives me some upvotes. Please go look at my blogs. I made about 20 of them. Read some of the comments too. God bless

Nice bravo..

Thank You, Great post.

maybe you can help me, to support my steemit, and I'am sorry for not commenting about your post this, because I am not very good at this, I just looking for help, because I really need it, hopefully you do not mind,
Thank you so much
Have a nice day @sgtreport

Cognative Dissidence.