Two woman are live tweeting their whole journey from Ireland (Eire) to England to seek an abortion for one of them. They are using an anonymous account @TwoWomenTravel.
At 4.13 AM, UK time, the trip and tweeting began with
Each tweet uses @endakenny the twitter handle of The Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, who is under more and more pressure to repeal the eighth amendment of the Irish constitution. The amendment bans abortion and offers a fetus the same rights as the woman carrying it.
It’s estimated that about 10 women a day travel from Ireland to the UK and other countries to an abortion without fear of being prosecuted
This story brings this high profile protest against amendment to the eyes of thousands of twitter users around the world. Where they are tweeting in solidarity with #twowomentravel. Human rights actives on both sides have voiced the opinions.
Follow on twitter at #twowomentravel
How brave of those two.
This could finally get this issue talked about.