Nibiru, Trump & Zohar

in #news2 months ago

"When Trump replied that his scientific advisors had told him Nibiru was “make believe” and that no such object exists, Trudeau allegedly erupted in a fit of rage, calling Trump an “imbecile” and a “buffoon” for refusing to acknowledge the greatest threat to North America since the United States tried to conquer British Columbia during the War of 1812.

Trudeau insisted that he and Angela Merkel had indisputable proof that Nibiru was close toreaching perigee and would soon unleash untold climatological disasters upon the planet."

"As reported last week, Trump and his secretive Space Force have embarked on anambitious plan that will see a reverse-engineered alien craft zoom to the dark star and its orbiting planets. The stated goal is to determine why the dreadful celestial interloper has apparently “stalled” in space and not yet reached perigee."

"Roscosmos, the Russian equivalent of NASA, believes the “Nibiru System” is a brown dwarf star surrounded by seven orbiting planets that intersect our solar system every 3,600 years, give or take. Of most concern is the star itself, Nemesis, and the outermost orbital, Nibiru. Russian scientists claim electrical synergy between Nemesis and our sun has produced mutated neutrinos that are superheating the planet’s core. Planet Nibiru, at 4 X Earth’s diameter 12 X its mass, has a colossal electromagnetic field; gravitational eddies have caused “wobbles” in the planet’s rotation."

"Ever since President Trump announced his intent to create a 6th branch of the UnitedStates military—for which he was heavily mocked—civilian, military, and NASA engineers have worked tirelessly to finish construction on an intergalactic ship that allegedly is powered by a gravity generator that warps the fabric of space-time. This non-linear mode of transport allows rapid travel between two points without violating Newtonian physics or Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity."

"His explanation of a craft generating a gravity wave that allows flight and avoids physical detection by bending light around it closely matches a ship the Space Force intends to send to Nibiru."

"At a clandestine assembly at the Apostolic Palace , however, the Pope changed his tune and told trusted cardinals and bishops that only their collective prayers can stop Nibiru the Destroyer from unleashing untold havoc upon the world.

Without citing a date, the Pope said, “Time is short,” and that Nibiru is rapidly speeding toward a position that will place it between the Earth and the Sun; when that happens, he added, the institution of Catholicism would face Judgment Day."

"In August, Dr. Trowbridge sent certified letters—and his research—to President Trump, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Vladimir Putin. He implored them, in the name of humanity, to abandon the Nibiru coverup and finally alert the world, in a unified, collective voice, to Nibiru’s existence."

"Disgraced former president Barrack “Hussein” Obama is still masterminding the Nibiru cover-up, says a former secret service agent who served under the Obama administration. Before unceremoniously leaving the White House, Obama took steps, including the burning of several hundred pages of Nibiru data, to guarantee Trump learned as little as possible about an impending Nibiru disaster.

Obama, our source said, became secretly obsessed with Nibiru shortly after taking office and learning that a brown dwarf star with seven orbiting planets was travelling through the solar system on a course that would eventually bring it within 0.3 astronomical units of Earth."

“Daniel frequently describes a large star that will approach the Earth and though it will not hit the planet, it will cause great damage,” Rabbi Samuel said. “Scientists have never seen anything like this so they don’t know what to expect. But it is coming closer, which is why we are seeing more earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes than ever before. As it comes closer, this will only increase.”

"Since then, however, the connection between the planet Nibiru – also known as Planet X – and End of Days has been discussed with increasingly seriousness by a wide range of Jewish scholars."

"The Zohar, the basis of Jewish esoteric learning, describes the Star of Jacob in great detail.

“After forty days, when the pillar rises from earth to heaven in the eyes of the whole world and the Messiah has appeared, a star will rise up on the east, blazing in all colors, and seven other stars will surround that star. And they will wage war on it.”"

"The appearance of this pre-Messianic star is predicted to be catastrophic, accompanied by extreme natural disasters."