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RE: The Russian Poison Story is WMD 2.0

in #news7 years ago

Смешно. Из России все выглядит очень смешно. Для секретной ликвидации есть очень много способов.
Например бытовой способ.
В Британии есть преступники? В России есть деньги? Выйти на преступную группировку, не говорить, что ты агент Федерации. Заплатить денег и попросить убить нужного человека. Зарежут его переулке при грабе и все, Возможно преступник даже сядет в тюрьму. При условии, что его зарплата будет в 2 раза выше зарплаты премьер-министра Великобритании за каждый год пребывания в тюрьме он будет счастлив сидеть в тюрьме.
Группа ликвидаторов
Россия имеет ФСБ. Выслать группу ликвидаторов не проблема. Человек спускается в метро и падает под поезд. Человек едет в лифте падает лифт. Человек едет на автомобиле отказывают тормоза. Человек смотрит в окно с 20 этажа и падает в окно. Вариантов ликвидации очень много.
Россия очень благодарит Великобританию. После их агрессивных действий мы закрыли множество центров Ми-6. Выслали множество агентов и закрыли рассадник террористов и агентуры консульство в Санкт-Петербурге. Больше таких подарков хочется получать. Маленький бонус. Теперь любой разведчик знает. Пойдешь на сотрудничество с США или Британией тебя убьют и будут говорить это Россия. Британия себе выколола глаз.
It's funny. From Russia everything looks very funny. There are so many ways for secret liquidation.
For example a household way.
In Britain there are criminals? Is there money in Russia? Go to the criminal group, do not say that you are an agent of the Federation. Pay money and ask to kill the right person. Zarezhut its lane in the grave and everything, Maybe the perpetrator even goes to jail. Provided that his salary will be 2 times higher than the salary of the Prime Minister of Great Britain for every year of his stay in prison, he will be happy to be in prison.
Group of liquidators
Russia has the FSB. Send a group of liquidators is not a problem. A person descends into the metro and falls under a train. A man is riding in an elevator. A person is driving a car with a brake. A man looks out the window from the 20th floor and falls into the window. There are a lot of liquidation options.
Russia is very grateful to Great Britain. After their aggressive actions, we closed many Mi-6 centers. They sent a lot of agents and closed the hotbed of terrorists and consulate agents in St. Petersburg. More of these gifts you want to receive. A small bonus. Now any scout knows. Going to cooperate with the United States or Britain you will be killed and Russia will say it. Britain itself has put out an eye.


Let's hope that's the worst that comes of it.

9/11 didn't work out so well.

Still isn't.

For whom? The Russians have won a lot of bonuses from this. The problem is different. At us in Russia geopolitics pass at lessons at school from 14 years. You in the West consider this a conspiracy theory. Geopolitics for you is not a school subject, but a hobby of self-taught and eccentrics.
You see what they show you. Do not see further. Do you show Russia's enemy and you think this is against Russia? No! It's against you. So less freedom. So you can plant dissenters. They speak Russian agents. You can lower wages. There is a war with Russia. Information war. It is necessary to endure. 9/11 How many US citizens have lost their freedoms?
Geopolitics teaches one. Teaches children from 14 years. It does not matter what they show you. It is important that they hide from you. The main thing that will entail consequences. You are shown the possibility of war. War with a nuclear power is utter nonsense. But you are being shown a war. What is hidden from you? What do not they show you? that citizens can be imprisoned. You can make less money. After all, there is a threat of war.
The theory of a tattoo? Rave? Geopolitics in Russia is taught from the age of 14. Why do not you give this knowledge in school? How many US citizens lost their freedom and rights after 9/11? Bin Laden was killed. Freedoms and rights to US citizens returned? Did they return that they took 9/11? Is there talk of a refund? It does not matter what they show you. It is important that they hide from you. Look for the reason. Look for answers.

I would prefer it if geopolitics were a subject in schools in America. I taught it to my sons myself, because I was the school. I didn't subject them to imprisonment in indoctrination centers called public schools.

If the schools did teach it here though, it'd just be more lies.

Ain't much good in that.

Very interesting is the history of the Second World War. When the US were allies of the USSR. A lot of good films were filmed about the USSR. I can search for titles. You watch these films in English. Very still black and white. Although not important movies. The thoughts of people are important.

People in the United States in 1945 very well remembered the Great Depression. Remembered in the USSR there were no these problems. The USSR was the growth of the economy. The USSR exported engineers and specialists from the United States. Gave me a job.

The USSR is then an ally of the United States. Many dreamed of uniting into a permanent military, economic and political alliance. That the US will take the best from the USSR. The USSR will take the best from the USA. The bankers were frightened. Who started the Cold War? They created the USA NATO. In response to NATO, the ATS was established in several years. At first Churchill's speech. The Russians were allies until the end.

Even at the time of the destruction of the USSR. The Russians remembered that the Allies. They wanted to be friends with the United States. In response, they received a puppet with a hand in the ass of Yeltsin's alcoholic. We were robbed and destroyed. In the 90 years the United States could get a very loyal ally. All the doors, even in the KGB, were open to the United States. The Russians stretched out their hand and spit on it.

Now the United States is very disliked in Russia. You can not judge by some people. There are marginals, whom society despises. They are in favor of friendship with the United States. Friendship is now impossible.

There is a new concept. We are friends of common people. We are against the government and the political system of bankers. We are ready to be friends with any citizen of the USA. If he was not in the terrorist armed forces and did not kill civilians in other countries.
Thought about the beginning of the conversation.
Method of elimination in the UK. It occupies part of Ireland. Because it has problems with the Irish Liberation Army. Those sometimes commit terrorist attacks. If some special service of the world asked to blow up 1 or even 100 people she needed. Such an army will not refuse.
This army will be able to send weapons for services and transfer money to the bank account, where they will say for the fight.