
I certainly think that we got to where we are now and experience the world the way we are at now because our ancestors started taking psychedelics, and I certainly have my little experience with mushrooms and DMT that just back me up on this. It should be part of everyone's life to understand psychedelics and to use them with the right peeps.

I saw apache and openbsd in the list this is great ! 2 open source projects that have been major players for the internet I wish more whales should be inspired by this project thank you to have talk about it I would have miss that otherwise.

the project I would have like to see is coreboot open source firmware project to free our computer from malicious closed source ships we have right now in our computers.

Awesome post @rok-sivante, you never cease to impress me. Great writing as always and I especially love this topic.

Business is BOOMIN’ baby ;-)

It's very inspired. thanks for share @rok-sivante

a very interesting post rok-sivante.It is an inspiration that rich people are not all miserly but many are also generous as rok-sivante convey in this post.That's a very remarkable occurrence, because there are still people as good as he who is willing to help others mengguuunakan collectibles.Thank you have shared this very interesting life science.

waww, this article is very useful for every user steemit,
I really like this

Best information for me
Thanks you so much

Indeed psychedelics may be the solution to our recidivism rate. Tim Leary dosed a bunch of inmates in a clinical trial and those who tripped in jail had a much lower recidivism rate than those who did not.

very informative and useful article. Thanks for this great information about Cryptocurrency.

As more and more crypto millionaires come up, i agree the spirit of charity should grow alongside the wealth. Its unnerving to boast of so much riches and yet lack a giving heart. Kudos to the Pineapple fund founders.

hopefully the next research can run well. and Cryptocurrency to be the best in the future.
Thank you I like this post @rok-sivante

You could just as easily apply this quote to the crypto sphere. Psychedelics have had a major part in tons of "advances" through history, yet due to the taboo of them, they never get any credit for helping to inspire. It's amazing to see someone is actually giving back in an active manner!

“You see, I think drugs have done some good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor. Go home tonight. Take all your albums, all your tapes and all your CDs and burn them. 'Cause you know what, the musicians that made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years were rrreal fucking high on drugs. The Beatles were so fucking high they let Ringo sing a few tunes.”
― Bill Hicks

A dime spend in better understanding psychadellic substances is a dime well spent....

By the way, cool cat graphic, it came out and started hunting the bees that were coming out of my toilet.

Good news about that for me. Thanks @rok-sivante

MAPS + Emma Sofia + LEAP +The Pineapple Fund =
Psychedelic Renaissance! The road to cerebral liberty got significantly shorter with this initiative. Great read! Here's a complimentary psychedelic cat sweater picture:

incredible postings that are very useful and meaningful to me, because post @rok-sivante is a unit of history and a fun language ... allow me to follow you ... so that I learn more and take lessons from the experience of @rok-sivante

That's a lot of cash and i believe a lot from where it is coming from.
I'm kind of grateful the cryptoworld made rich someone with these values of supporting good work!
Many have failed to realise that life is not all about sleek lambos and travels.
Wonderful post sir!

That's a lot of cash and i believe a lot from where it is coming from.
I'm kind of grateful the cryptoworld made rich someone with these values of supporting good work!
Many have failed to realise that life is not all about sleek lambos and travels.
Wonderful post sir!

That's a lot of cash and i believe a lot from where it is coming from.
I'm kind of grateful the cryptoworld made rich someone with these values of supporting good work!
Many have failed to realise that life is not all about sleek lambos and travels.
Wonderful post sir!