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RE: Music Industry: The Gate To Hell - Justin Bieber Speaks Out About Pedophilia & Abuse In Hollywood

in #news8 years ago

Yes they are all wicked and demented in music and hollyweird! When I was in my early 20s I want to a puff daddy mansion party. That's when I saw how out of control things were. Eyes wide shut looked like Sunday school compared to this. Along with pdiddy performing sexual acts on other men and vice versa. Vin Diesel was doing the same and worse. I ran out of there like a bat out of hell. Most ppl now know about PDiddy but I bet they didn't know about Vin! Sick ppl out there. Anyone that would hurt a child deserves death and worse. I have an 11 yr old who turns 12 today. Believe me when I say I don't see singing or acting in his future. God post.