Hi, Hiveans
Here is the last part concerning the COVID handling by the French government or better say the lobby's puppets government. I know that all the related information seems to be out of a bad Sci-Fi book or movie but it will be easy for anyone to search and find all this informations. Concerning the oldest people in nursing facilities, it was very strange and it seems legitimate to ask ourselves if the virus was introduced in these facilities as these old people don't go out and they were the most affected. Most of the time when people started to feel bad during the lockdown they get to hospitals where no test was available than they go to a kind of selection if they were 70 and over they get send back home with paracetamol if the people have some other health complications they get sent back home with the same paracetamol whatever their ages, only those with a good health record get a chance to get hospitalized. It is a new standard in medicine that only people without medical issues have the right to be hospitalized during the COVID crisis. I will not get into the subject in this post but it really seems that some globalist elite is behind the COVID19 and by doing so they are preparing the world for a new way of living our daily life with some new standard that will leave a big part of the earth population on the side in the best case or six feet under in the worst. We (the people who are searching to understand for years why the world seems to go on a dark path) knew for years that these things were about to come but never thought that it will arrive that fast, the people behind this ideology have definitely accelerated their agenda and it is not for the good of the population.

Before the end of the lockdown in France many people, group of doctors, lawyers, politicians in some rare cases, police, and citizens have started to sue the government for many things, negligences, non-assistance to a person in danger, murders, lies, manipulations, conflicts of interest, etc... that was the real reason for the extension of the last two week of lockdown that has given enough time to the government to make a new law that makes them untouchable by the justice. It says that because of the exceptionality of the crisis (never seen before) all members of the government are unsuitable for all the decisions that have been taken during the pandemic because of its exceptionality no one was prepared for that and errors to have been made because of the unknown factor ... So, after the two weeks extension many of the cases were refused by the court but a few using a different approach get received but it will take years before we can see the opening of a trial in court. During the first 3 months of the pandemic that include the 2 months lockdown, the government has declared that the mask was not useful for people but only for ill people and nobody was able to buy a mask in pharmacies as it as been taken by the government and even many people who were ordering mask online never received it because the custom has received the order from the government to seize the mask. At the same time E. Macron has helped one of his friends/support the head CEO of LVMH (Louis Vuitton and many other high profile brands) to sign a contract with the government that gives him the monopole on the mask selling for France.

Mandatory masks
Picture from link
Not long after the lockdown ended up masks were available everywhere and a new law has been made to make the wearing of mask inside and outside mandatory. A complete non-sense again as during the highest of the pandemic masks were forbidden than when things get much better and the French government made the masks mandatory with the police fined people for not wearing masks in the street at 135 Euros and in some cases using violence about the people who raise the voice and speak about the injustice and non-sense of these laws Same goes with the tests no test available during the pandemic and now plenty of tests everywhere It is still a non-sense as if you are doing a test you heave to wait another 10 days to get the results but during these 10 days you can get exposed to the virus and become positive. Also, it is important to say (scientifically proven) that the PCR test is not accurate in more than 40% of the cases giving many false positive/negative.
French police using violence against woman for the mask
Video from link
Today the government and the media announce a second wave of the pandemic stronger than the first one, Every day the health ministry announces the new positive cases of the day. But they are now doing around 100 000 tests every day compared with next to zero during the worst time of the pandemic and in these test, there is a majority of people who get exposed and are asymptomatic so the media of terror with the help of government start to put the country in a state of emergency again also they restart to make lockdown in some cities. One thing they never show or talk about is the curve of death at the moment and it still low as at the lowest of the crisis. More and more doctors are raising their voices but many face sanctions. France today Is a country where a gang of criminals governs and they have made hold-up on every part of the French society and some EU countries are facing the same non-sense, like today it is no more the doctors and researchers that make treatments but this gang of criminal because they can make more money by taking all kind of decisions on the life of the people they were elected to protect. Do not forget that E. Macron has learned a lot about greed during his years as a bankster at the Rothschild bank.

E. Macron the Rothschild puppet
Picture from link
As the situation evolute I will post about it but what France really needs is a big revolution! The road to freedom seems to be longer day after day but nothing will change as long as the people refuse to open their eyes and take actions.

Take care Eric.... In Myanmar , we are facing the second wave like hell ... Glad to see you..... hive on
Hi, Henry. Happy to hear from you, are you in Myanmar at the moment? Thai COVID situation isn't bad but they starting to fence the entire 2000 Km border with Myanmar. Stay safe, but all this pandemic thing is part of an agenda. Let's talk on Discord soon!