Hi, Hiveans
Here is my third part of my post "Handling of COVID19 Crisis comparison Part3 France" a comparison between Thailand and France. As you have read in the two previews post Thailand as made a great job putting them on the safest country in the world for COVID19, that is not the case of my native country France as for the first time in France history people have finally discovered how much the government of E.Macron is corrupted and they start to realize why people like me who are talking about the lies and misbehaviors of the French government are labeled with the term "Complotist" are fined or even sent to jail for a sentence longer than many criminals. Today in France it is better to rap a woman than writing about the truth. So I will start the post exactly where I have ended the 2nd and you will see that this puppet government is ready to all kinds of lies, misbehaviors, and even murder to keep his position at the head of the French banana republic (or slave) of the EU. What you have read in the previous post about France wasn't the worst that the French government has done. I really hope that many French people will finally open their eyes and stop sleeping about the reality of this government and the EU but I doubt about the majority of them after been brainwashed with the leftist ideology they are now good sheep that follow whatever is told by the government and in the case they do have doubt they censored themselves without even thinking about it.

Police arresting demonstrator
Picture from link
Just before France was hit hard by the virus the minister of Health Agnes Buzin has told the French people that in case of a high level of infection of the virus the government has stocked 2 billion masks for the people (this 2 billion masks were from the government of Sarkozy and was stocked in case of a pandemic just after the H1N1). Then, a few weeks later the country was hit hard and the government declare a very strict lockdown on the entire country, people have to stay home, about 97% of all company has to shut down only pharmacy, supermarket and a few necessary shops can open, even the banks were closed and open only two mornings a week and only let you in if you have an appointment and wear a mask. Suddenly, the French people have discovered that the government has lied to them because the 2 billion mask reserve has been sold to China and prior to the selling they have burned a lot of it for them to be able to use the storage facilities for other things. No one was able to get a mask as the government has made a requisition of all mask available in all the French pharmacy, on the top of it they have made a law that pharmacies cannot sell mask to people and if they do they end up in jail with a big fine, a few pharmacists have been jailed. The government has made a TV announcement saying that masks are not helping to protect against the virus, but at the same time they were saying that they have ordered a big quantity of masks from China. During the lockdown people have to print a pass from the internet and fill it with time out of home and time in as they were allowed to be out only an hour a day no more than a kilometer away from their home, they have to write the place they are going and the reason, if people fail to show the pass to the police in the street they get fined 135 Euros and the police were very active at it even using drones to spot the people in the street only migrants can do whatever they want. All the suburban areas of big towns where there are many buildings where all the criminals live were out of the control of the police because the government has told them to not go there, so drug business and all kinds of criminal activities were going full power. When the entire police force was patrolling the streets in search of French people to check on them and try to give them fine for whatever reason.

Typical gang style of France surburb areas
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As the pandemic hit the country harder the death toll started to be higher day after day the famous French virologist Didier Raoult in charge of the public hospital in the city of Marseille had a great success with a death toll of less than 0.5% when the whole country rate was at 18%. His success is due to the bi-therapy Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin but the government, the lobby, and other dark interest have decided another way as the Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin are old medicine and the total cost of the entire treatment is 12 Euros also these two medicine are now in the public domain so it is no more licensed by one company but made by many companies as a generic medicine. Because the treatment of Dr. Didier Raoult doesn't fit the dark economic plan of the French government and Big Pharma lobby, the government has used a lot of unlawful new laws and other behaviors to make a profit on the COVID19 and enslave the population. But it was just the tip of the iceberg, much more was about to come, and still much more still coming out today...

Hospitals in France overloaded
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Just before the pandemic the government have changed the laws on the retirement pension (the retirement pension system was made after the 2nd world war and was a model to many countries) and to make a new law that is no more from the public sector but from the private sector to the benefit of the giant and dark corporation BlackRock Inc. this huge change that will affect the life of the entire population in a way that everybody will lose money only the super-rich will benefit from it. In front of the protest (before the COVID) the government has used the COVID pandemic to say all the new laws are postponed until things get better. In fact, it was a way to avoid the masses to get in the streets and start a new revolution, like at the beginning of the yellow vest protests when they nearly win the battle, before the leftist (sent by the government) started to infiltrate the movement with the stupid ideology of a peaceful revolution when the government was using violence, murder in some cases, jail sentences against the citizen who protest much heavier than for some criminals. Never French people have seen or imagined that something like this can happen in the country of "free speech" and "human right" but since the E. Macron government it is clear for the minority who are interested about the why this is happening as the majority is swallowing all the lies and propaganda of the mainstream media that E.Macron is in fact here to push a globalist (leftist/liberal) agenda and destroy whats remain from France as the globalist see France as a threat because its people always open their mouth and fight in the street to gain their causes and when they do so it is repeating in many countries around the world. He (Macron) was made by Zionist and act as one of the Zionist puppets. Even the day of his enthronement as the French President he had chosen the pyramid of the Louvre for the ceremony and first thing he has done in front of it was to raise his arm in a V shape that makes the logo of the Freemasonery with the pyramid in the back. E.Macron come from the Rothschild bank and he is a freemason affirmed.
E.Macron in front of the pyramid of the Louvre
Picture from link

The COVID19 crisis because of the non-sense of the lockdown has been a big beneficial time (in the way to uncover the dark side of this government) for French people to ask themselves about why so many non-sense decisions have been taken by the government, why the medicine needed to cure people have been made unavailable and forbidden to prescribe by doctors when this particular medicine has been prescribed in France for nearly seven decades without any bad consequences and compared to Paracetamol it is safer molecule than Paracetamol term of side effect but the Big Pharma lobby (nothing less than the husband of the health minister at that time just 11 days prior to the firsts cases in France) all those people who have decided what was bad for France when it was working with great success in so many countries are from the Zionist community. Another law that wasn't well-received among the French it was the law about the end of life (Euthanasia) for people who have a sever illnesses or even for people who want to stop their life, it was to allow doctors to prescribe a medication to end life. But the law was very controversial in the population and was refused. During the crisis, the law wasn't in application yet, and it still not. One thing was quite big during the lockdown there was a lot of death in the EPAD more than in any people categories. The EPAD is the name given to the nursing house, a kind of facility where old people come to spend the last part of their life (some stay there many years) as the modern society in the EU has made everything to break the families starting with the old generations. So many of these modern liberal families like to pay for their parents when retired to go in some of these facilities that cost a lot of money and are often making the head titles of newspapers as there is so many abuses and all kind of bad things to the oldest one. So During the COVID lockdown, most of the EPAD has a really high number of death compared to other categories of the population. The government has forbidden old people in the EPAD to get to the hospital, to get tested, to see their families even behind a glass, forbidden all kinds of visits so it was a catastrophic situation as they not receiving any medical help. Then, the government made a decree from the health minister ordering doctors to give to every person over 70 years old in EPAD or even in a hospital that suffers from a respiratory problem, injections of a medicine called RIVOTRIL a medicine that is given to people who suffer from depression the reason to give them this medication wasn't to help them to be in a better mood but in fact, it was in the side effects as RIVOTRIL cannot be prescribed to people with a respiratory problem because it as the effect to kill them by frowning their lungs resulting with the death of the patient, but this decree was passed under silence among the mainstream media. This decree was the start of a battle from many doctors against the government, many have decided to say nothing and do not prescribe the Rivotril and other who are fearful or close to the government or well paid by the lobby have made many prescriptions resulting in many death often without having the COVID but having a respiratory problem. Another strange fact is why old people in EPAD were the most affected when they are those who don't go out other than the nursing home park. Is there a dark reason to that?

Old people in nursing home let to die without treatment other than Paracetamol
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My 3rd part post is already long enough and I have decided to add a 4th part as it still so much to say about the criminal handling of the COVID19 by the French government. So, tomorrow or a day later I will add the last part and it is just unbelievable to see how there was a denial of the reality by the government and that the deaths does not count as long as the money flows.

Congratulations @ricko66!
You raised your level and are now a Minnow!
Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz: