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RE: How to Debunk "Guns Don't Kill People, People Kill People" [dTube]

in #news7 years ago

David, I dont paticularly like guns. However i am a left liberal and obviously that means i take big issue with organisations such as the NRA who constantly attack gun rights. Are you aware that its illegal for convicted fellons, mentaly ill people and users of controlled substances to own guns? Well, first off it doesnt make any sense, mentaly ill people tend to be less likely to be violent than the general public - obviously it depends on the type of "mental illness" which itself is a stupid term but different "mental illnesses" are also more or less common.
Im sorry, but you dont get to deny any rights to anyone wether it "makes sense" or not. Either repeal the second amendment or these age old regulations. There is a reason why you have voting booths in prisons of any democratic nation during elections. And why a right is called a right.
Cars are regulated, and that would be worth opposing if it was a right to drive a car.
I dont know what you are, but from a liberal perspective such restrictions are obviously inacceptable.