How can someone be "live" on both CNN and MSNBC at the same time talking with two different people? Hmmm... Its a scary thought but Is CNN really... fake news? See Mark Dice "de bone" these fakes in the following video... enjoy
Video 3:32 min
TOP 10 - Fake News Stories # 2016
Video 5:12 min
news, fake news, fake media, politics, inform people, spread the videos, uncover the liers, video by Mark
...and let us not forget that news omitting facts is ALSO AP (Asinine Press) changing the shout of the Fresno jihadi from "allahu akbar" to "God is great" and hoping we're all too stupid to notice...
You nailed it... see... people NOTICE the line "allahu akbar" if they read or hear it and they KNOW exactly who said it and why. On the other hand "God is great" goes under the radar.
Interesting thoughts