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RE: Children Being Taken In Record Numbers

in #news7 years ago

Seriously, was your main/only take away from that whole story that a family kidnapped their own children? That's it? Selective reading much?

You just completely glossed over Child Protective Services kidnapping tens if not hundreds of thousands of children every year. Sure there would be some bad parents in there, and children should absolutely be protected from bad people, but CPS does not only protect children from bad parents, they also steal children from good parents at an alarmingly high rate. And what's not mentioned in the article is foster care children are at a much higher rate of being drugged up to the eyeballs on multiple psychiatric drugs so they're easier to manage (most aren't mentally ill, they've been torn from their home or bounced between multiple homes and foster families that only want the government paycheck).

Do you think letting a 10 year old child walking to school or playing alone, or skipping brushing their teeth a few nights, and many more other weak and pathetic reasons, is grounds for the government to steal children and break apart loving families?

If you think all those children are being protected just because the agencies name is Child Protective Services, you are dead wrong. But hey, I've got a torture chamber called the Happy Fun Zone that you might enjoy.