Liberally Losing It - Cop Hate, Jubilant Censoring, Meritous Immigrants, Benefits Fraud

in #news6 years ago

Intolerant Liberals

Its time again to dig down into the ossified layers of liberal bile and hate as we pull up to the largest man-made toxic waste site on the known internet.

Join me, won't you?

(Names changed to protect the ignorant.)

GilipollasGrande - seems pretty clear cops were protecting nazis again this past weekend, so this upcoming thing in DC is going to be just great

Proggies really hate it when someone is free to speak. Instead of handling it like adults, they screech and try to censor everyone, because you know, THEY are always right. (In their own minds.)

LividLimpwrist - I'm surprised that Infowars is finally getting cut off from places.

Liberals dancing in the streets because someone is silenced that doesn't agree with them speaks volumes. They will absolutely not look past their own hate to see the negative effects of restricting who can talk freely.

GilipollasGrande - "Immigration on Merit Based System to take care of the companies coming back to U.S.A."
GilipollasGrande - This dumb motherfucker

God forbid we actually require immigrants to have qualities that we WANT, right? Ever look at other countries? The requirements to get a citizen ID card in Hong Kong is strict as hell. Countries have the right to govern who gets to stay, that's why they're called "sovereign states".

BalefulBrother - Also a reminder that any time someone rich and powerful talks about like, wlfare fraud, they can fuck riht off.

You obviously haven't seen the EBT black market up close. Someone lends the card, then gets money for it up front. Fraud is endemic in government benefit programs among end users. Liberals can never point the finger at the poor, because they're supposed to be pure and innocent at all times.

That's all for this haul, can't stay too long or the black sludge leaking from the landfill will get into my boots.

Until next time...

(If you're confused what this is all about, read this introduction - Link )