Nazis are taking over Europe, Again!

in #news8 years ago (edited)


You might be thinking why am I writing so much about Nazis. It's because it's the utmost importance for people to know about this environment and to do everything they can to stop it.

You must be a big naive fool if you thought that the Nazis just vanished after 1945, as if some magical spell just made them go away forever. You are totally wrong, while the Allies did everything they can to import the Nazis into the USA and the Soviet Union get rid of Nazis in Europe, or at least slow them down with the De-Nazification program, but which was quickly stopped in the 50's by the Nazi-Run post WW2 government of Germany. Yes interestingly Nazis ran Germany even after WW2, and probably to this day.

Then of course came the wonderful European Union, that was supposedly to end all wars and to stop the Nazis. What they don't tell you is that the European Commission (you know the bureaucrats who actually run the EU, since the EU Parliament is only symbolic), well the EU Commission was actually setup by a Nazi lawyer, Walter Hallstein.


Of course Hallstein denied being a Nazi, " He is reputed to have rejected Nazi ideology" according to Wikipedia, nontheless he gave a "Blood and Honor" speech in 1939. Also we have the corporate backers of the EU plan, which were the IG Farben folks, you know the ones who built the Auschwitz concentration camps and manufactured the poison gas for the Holocaust.

So let's just take a deep breath and recognize what kind of world we live in today, we have a "blood and honor" Nazi setting up the EU Commission, backed by Auschwitz death camp corporations. It's all well documented here.

Escalating Violence

And now we have escalating violence in Europe, the recent London terror attacks are a prime example of this. You have extremist jihadists doing crazy violent things just as they used to join the Yugoslavian SS divisions: 13th SS division, 21st SS division, all made up of radical muslims.

And the fact that it was a Palestinian high priest who suggested the Holocaust to Hitler:


"It is the duty of Muhammadans [Muslims] in general and Arabs in particular to ... drive all Jews from Arab and Muhammadan countries... . Germany is also struggling against the common foe who oppressed Arabs and Muhammadans in their different countries. It has very clearly recognized the Jews for what they are and resolved to find a definitive solution [endgültige Lösung] for the Jewish danger that will eliminate the scourge that Jews represent in the world." - Amin al-Husseini , a Muslim leader in Mandatory Palestine

And we can see that the car driving into a crowd method is exactly what the Palestinian terrorists are using to terrorize Israelis. Palestinian terrorists are constantly stabbing people on the streets and drive trucks into people, but the media fails to report these horrible things in western countries due to political correctness and other nonsense.

So now that these horrible things are happening in Europe, maybe the citizens will start to be more aware of the situations happening in the world. I can't believe we are living in such a violent and hateful world, but it's true.

The facts are that the EU is basically run by Nazis, and is importing in terrorists from middle eastern countries as refugees to terrorize the peaceful citizens of Europe. This is the unholy alliance between the Nazis and the Islamic world, after all they suggested the Holocaust too and ran african slave trade for 2000 years.


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Codex Alimentarius, or food rules, was authored by one of the IG Farben guys who actually did significant prison time for being a NAZI. There have been efforts to implement this in the US under treaty. I expect it to be tried again.

No need to go far, the 3 biggest pharmaceutical corporations in the EU are the direct successors of IG FARBEN: Sanofi, Bayer and BASF.

You are literally buying Aspirin in Europe from the successor of a Zyklon-B manufacturer.

Bayer is one of the companies exterminating the bees. I guess they need to stay in practice.

Its all in tbe interests of facists parties with a nationalist message that terrorism from foreigners continues. The more this happens the more popular they get.

Yes, I bet the shadow forces pulling the strings from behind want exactly that, they are done with liberalism/socialism, and now they want nationalism.

It's all about controlling power more and more, and a nationalist ideology is much harsher and much more authoritarian than any leftist policy so far.

It's one thing that the left was violent in the 20th century but if you add nationalism to it, then it becomes horrible. Just like how the Soviet Union became nationalistic under Stalin and was more globalist under Lenin. The same thing will happen to Europe.

We joke and ironize now about the EU being planned and constructed by Nazis, but when actual nazis take control of it to a 100% then it will be hell on earth. Hitler could only drool on the tyranny that the EU is imposing on citizens of Europe. The privacy invading tools would have been well utilized by the SS and the Gestapo, imagine them getting these tools.

Most of the world's largest corporations which exist now had business with Nazi Germany, many Nazis were given asylum in the US and other western countries and also behind the iron curtain, so frankly saying that the Nazi ideas still exist is not really astounding news. The good thing would be knowing who exactly have these ideas and be able to fight them.

Not all of them, and yes the problem is the large corporations. Centralization of power gives opportunities to tyrants both in government and/or corporate sector. That is why decentralization is critical if we want to have a free world.

Well, i live in the Netherlands, its going bad with our rights in is just for the company to win, not for citizens.
The judges say truth does not matter when you walk into your do it is not right they convict you without having a case.
So i went further and came in front of 3 judges and one i sew well again now 4 judges who said truth does not matter and when the bad behaviour of the one judge came to show the other 3 silenced him and al do i was strong with my case i did not get my rights...
And about NAZI talks here, well the people in charge i am sure did not get there job by votes, it is something all over the world happening and its not okay they playing all citizens for fool ...the ones that still vote for this game they play.
Most people here are not against anyone but i think more against the wrong Governments and the leck of rights normal human rights.
The world is not crazy but the rulers everywere...all money related wars.