
I would like to apologize for the upvotes that @prlndra is spreading. He is using @suesa's delegation to upvote ignorance and anti-intellectualism. I'm mostly ashamed of @suesa's decision to give him power in the first place.

Are you kidding me right now? I gave him the delegation because he's active in the chat and has the potential to be a positive influence on the platform. I don't give a flying fuck about anyone's political opinion, as long as it's not "burn all gays" or "gas all jews" or "don't vaccinate your children" (although I tend to ignore the last one on steemit, I'm just so, so tired), especially because I wouldn't be able to stop arguing with people on steemit. Not many share my political views on here but that's okay.
What you're doing right now is more than childish. You weren't even willing to explain what's going on, just threw a temper tantrum, dropped this post in my DMs and then left all chat channels.

Go on, keep flagging me. I won't remove my delegation from prlndra just because you feel like being a tyrant today. I'm sick of defending you in front of others when you turn around and do this any chance you get.

I really can't believe you right now.

I have enough going on with my thesis, I don't need a grown man acting out his frustrations stressing me out.


I gave him the delegation because he's active in the chat and has the potential to be a positive influence on the platform. I don't give a flying fuck about anyone's political opinion, as long as it's not "burn all gays" or "gas all jews" or "don't vaccinate your children"

While @prlndra didn't say to burn all the gays, he did show a huge anti LBGT stance in the chat. Wow, much positive influence.

@suesa the biggest hypocrite on steem everybody!

Not flagging you to stop the delegation,
Flagging you because you're the worst fraud here.

Worse than a flat-earther.

Too bad your thesis isn't like your posts where it's all about who you know, huh?

Final word,

You weren't even willing to explain what's going on

You didn't ask, you said 'bb schrosct' when I said I was leaving.
I'm not bluffing, closing my account, so don't waste time fending off your personal army that you also pretend doesn't exist whenever it's convenient for you, unfortunately it takes months and I don't want to leave anything behind so it has to be flags from here on out so I don't curate.
Your success and ability to abuse the system here informs me that steem will never make it to the mainstream.

Remember when you muted me on steem chat because this chap was being a shit, and I didn't like it? I left, upvoted his worst hate, and didn't go trash-talking about you or steem chat.

Maybe the chat moderation could use a tweak around the kind of lashing out schrosct was doing. Hope all your other interactions on here are better, @suesa

I muted you because you were extremely homophobic.

But I'm not.
It doesn't matter though, because whatever nuance I was trying to describe (I think it was the difference between definitions of 'gay') I was accused of being homophobic.

When given the tools to be just like facebook, you decided to be just like facebook. It's almost like comedy.