URGENT: Monsanto vs Organic Farmers And The Battle For Food Freedom

in #news8 years ago

Sherman County

may be issuing a Court Order on May 22, 2017, to quarantine Azure Farms and possibly to spray the whole farm with poisonous herbicides, contaminating them with Milestone, Escort and Roundup herbicides.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth calls on everyone to help Azure farms so we can stop Monsanto before they take out every last remaining organic farm there is!

Help Azure Farm: https://hl.azurestandard.com/healthy-living/info/azure-farm-moro/

March against Monsanto Event List:


Thanks for sharing. I sent that woman from Sherman County an email.

Has anyone done a mineral search of the land? This reeks of a land grab....

Not necessarily a land grab but a deliberate means to go after farmers so they lose their organic status. Round-Up is a chelator of minerals which will decrease the nutritional value of the food from the farm and harm the ecology of the soil. Round-Up also has antibacterial activity and harms the microbiology of soils.

Thank you for sharing. Nice layout of your post.
I posted this video yesterday on my blog. My family and 50 or so other families buy from Azure Standard monthly as a coop in Arizona. Azure delivers through the western states and the threatened action if followed through will adversely affect many families.
This proposed act is invasive, outrageous and potentially a government out of control. We encourage those that resonate to email: Ihernandez@co.sherman.or.us and voice their concerns.
We are getting responses from people on social media from around the world. Please join in and let the folks in sherman county be aware the world is watching. More is better. Resteemed this, resteem mine @bilbop if you feel it. Thank you for you consideration. Steem on

Swamp the phones and storm the local government offices.

Do what you know in your heart that is right. A respectful email works best as they are only people too. This may be an action by the big corporations to use their power, and 'gifts' to influence the politicos of this sparcely populated county. Be all non violent and orderly lest you become a target.

I'm grateful for the news on the fights that matter. Won't find this information anywhere the corporate arms can reach too. Keep up the great work for sharing the news that really impact us in our day to day lives.

Other than the District of Columbia, the City of London & of course the Vatican, Monsanto has to be one of the most evil corporations on the planet. They need to be shut down and most of their employees should be tried for crimes against humanity, animals, insects and the planet!

I could not agree with you more!!!!

Been saying that very thing myself for a while now.

Thanks for sharing, it is terrific to see the cat is out of the bag and the masses are finally becoming aware we are "dying" just in our quest to live.

We got two options

  1. Growing veg and fruits in the garden.
  2. Fighting with Monsanto.

Because it is, this is the true reality

There's going to be hell to pay at that core evil corporation very soon. BANK ON IT

Who could possibly believe this sort of thing is somehow acceptable? It would seem the objective is to eliminate all competition with GMO crops, by any means necessary.

Unfortunately many people are still unaware of the dangers of GMO food.

Why doesn't 60 Minutes roll their trucks out there so they can show the world the people behind this and the evil of Monsanto poison......oh I forgot they would never touch such a story.

Tss... every time I read a story like this I feel so lucky that I grow up in Europe and now live in rural Cambodia where everything comes straight from the land with no chemicals involved whatsoever. We all deserve healthy, chemical- and, GMO-free afforadable foods... food freedom is so important!

These stories are endless, It's criminal to poison people unless you have a license and approval of the FDA or EPA type organization. now they are forcing people use their poison.
It's nothing more than cartel taking out the competition, more and more people every day are choosing Organic foods, for good reason ! much more effort goes into producing poison free nutritious food. Its more expensive, But as more people buy, the price is dropping, allowing conscientious farmers to make a living through volume sales and suffering less spoilage.
1 round of spraying will effectively kill this farms certification, tons of healthy food unavailable to the public ! forcing this farmer out of business, probably selling way below what a Organic farm could sell for, to probably some insider, to go ahead and plant GMO crops dripping in pesticides.
The sad fact is, this farm is is their sights, and they will probably take it in the end.
We have a Monsanto protection act !
How about a Organic Farm Protection Act ?
You poison someones land or water, you pay the cleanup costs.
Good luck Brother

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