DTube - "We Don't Need A Government, We Need A Protectorate" - G. Edward Griffin

in #news7 years ago

When you think about it what does government really mean?

Government is defined as "the governing body of a nation, state, or community" or "the relation between a governed and a governing word". But do people really want to be "governed" or do they really seek protection.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth sits down with G. Edward Griffin to discus what the roll of a government is vs what it should actually be!

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▶️ DTube

Very interesting interview. I would have liked to ask Griffin this question: How do we ensure over the long-term that a Protectorate doesn't mutate into the same monster Government we have now?

I think he hinted about some sort of "outside government" organization(s) to hold them accountable. See the 6:50 mark. Of course, he didn't expand on it in the least, so your question goes unanswered from the last conclave of Minarchos in good standing.

The only thing I have seen even remotely tackling this issue in the 47 year history of the Libertarian Party, is JAIL 4 JUDGES.... which came out at the end of the '90s but never gained any traction. Why? Because it didn't take long for the reality of what you suggest to manifest itself right within the very organization promoting the concept!!! This is the crux of why the anarchos are beginning to take over the Libertarian Party now... with Kokesh at the helm. This is why Anarchopulco, and now AnarchoForko are winning the day.... and the Free State Project, with its annual "Porcfest" tent-city joke is dying on the vine (after their 16 years in existence).

Sometimes people are just like all what I need is protection and freedom but if you look deep down you will discover that an ungoverned society would lack protection. So we need government and then protection.

Vous avez si bien et je suis d'accord avec toi.

Government has stolen more time, energy, and money from me, that any private person(s) ever could. And if I would resist against their extortion and thread of violence, they lock you up, if you try to defend against that your dead. No one is gonna protect me against the government and it's mercenaries?
Government/police does not protect if you look at what goes on in reality

There are even court cases going back to the 1980s even at the Supreme Court level where the Court ruled that we are responsible for defending ourselves and technically it is not required of "law enforcement" to protect anyone. That's a pretty huge deal.

Yes, 12,13 minutes in the video I linked, there is an example (Warren vs District of Columbia)......but even then if they would have the obligation. It's very rare that there would be a cop around when something happens........From what I've seen they always come when everything is over, it's an illusion that they protect, the best chance, I believe, you have is protecting yourself ...........Live is not what they show on TV ;)


We don't need a government for protection:

Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

That needs to be on a t-shirt... and even some billboards for the Adam Kokesh 2020 campaign! I think I'd add "shot guns" in between whiskey and car keys.

well what can we say

the government spent too much money. not thinking about how to make people prosperous. they only think about their own stomach. we can only hope in self and god @pressfortruth

So many things to say about this video. Transparency, accountability, decentralized decisions. All achievable through blockchain, we need to abolish and rewrite current standards for governance. I agree this system is torally flawed and we have alot to accomplish. Do we really want more repeats of this last decades electoral debaucles or do we want to solve the wealth gap and fix the world and its economies.

I think that this is a little difficult for me.

To power is corruption and to absolute power is absolute corruption

There used to be a concept of no taxation without representation. Now not only is there a layer which does not represent the citizens they actively extort from them or mismanage, misappropriate and virtually embezzle funds. With cryptocurrencies, individuals now have the ability to fund programs they support directly. In Canada while I support initiatives such as using the armed forces for disaster relief or as a peacekeeping force which is used to cool tensions not escalated them. I do not support spending money to support immigration for refugees in the sense that I feel the money would be better spent solving the problem (assisting stabilization programs or disaster relief) instead of bandaid solutions which only benefit a few people.

I think it begins with the money. Once a people surrender the power to create money to the government, their freedoms will follow in short order. For me that's the starting point. Beyond that there is no magic bullet. However, supporting non-governmental institutions is critical. In the past in western society that has been the family, the church, and charitable organizations. However, as government grows it invariably chokes off all three. The reason it is able to grow though is because it can counterfeit money. That's why it's so important for the people to regain control of the currency.

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Dear Dan Dicks,
On the SteemIt Network, all your trustworthy Reports are safe and WON'T be blocked or deleted, because someone thinks, these are "Fake News".

It was very enjoyable to listen. And I go and look one more time :)

Hi, I have given the following link to you and a couple other steemit users who have a big audience outside of steemit. You may have already seen it. I hadn't, and if it can be verified it explains a lot about the Parkland Shooting and Browland County.

Like how and why it happened. If it is true it also is pretty damning.


I share it with you as if you haven't seen it... it is potentially huge info.

I love your videos! Thank you for delving into and and sharing your views on this.
It's a subject we commonly overlook, people just look for the simplest options for a easy life, not daring to take any uncertain steps. A government could be easily overuled if we banded together and worked for something. We need to unite.