The Truth About Refugees Coming To Canada - What You Need To Know!

in #news7 years ago

The situation with refugees coming to Canada

is getting way out of control in more ways than one...The backlog is growing, families are left feeling dropped off and abandoned and all the while Justin Trudeau and the public sector are doing everything they can do stifle the efforts of the real hero's...those in the private sector who are truly saving the lives of those fleeing war torn countries.

In today's video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth interviews one of those hero's, a woman who has been involved behind the scenes of the various refugee sponsorship programs here in Canada for over 30 years and what she is witnessing today will turn your stomach and your heart will sink...she asked that I not reveal her identity and I will certainly honor that to protect this important source.

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As a Vietnamese that arrived in Canada in the early '90s, I'll always be grateful to these volunteers and the people that helped my family settle here. God bless them all

Thats nice except these people have a different religion, thinking, language, ways, and philosophy. The taxpayers will be fronting them for years. NO MUSLIM COUNTRY ARE TAKING THESE PEOPLE! WHY?

Except for... Jordan? Which accepts 90% or more of the refugees from Syria?

Great piece. It is sad how many have this over-simplified view that private setor = greed. As if the most effective philanthropy was not done mostly by private individuals.

thanks for your article

Dan this is an interesting video. I'm very concerned about the war in Syria and desperately hope for peace there. The persecution of Christians is deeply troubling and Trudeau's ignorance just adds insult to injury for all Christians. I always thought that Canada had a world-class immigration system which other nations looked to in order to learn from. I'm not so sure that is the case anymore.

Mass immigration + zero assimilation = ?

You should link to this steemit post at the end of the post giving your viewers better comment sorting system.
I expect most people to create a steem account to respond to a comment.

A massive redistribution of potential tax payers....

Thanks. Good to hear something that talks about the actual problems,and doesn't paint these refugees as terrorists trying to invade our country. Too much of that in the alternative press these days. Correct; if we stopped bombing them, they could stay where they are. I sincerely wish less people would cheer on those bombings while simultaneously becoming outraged that we are being inundated by refugees. I think you can guess which outlets I'm thinking of.

They are not refugees. Not coming to Canada.

thank you brother for this news.

When Western countries accept refugees, to what extent should the refugees be expected to assimilate and adopt the values of the host country? When this migration occurs en-masse, what will the effect be on the host country if they don't adopt the national identity/values?

This is a planned and systematic destruction of white christian lands by a nefarious country which i shall not name but I can tell you has already announced it has no intention of allowing these " refugees " into their country as they stated openly to the world that they did not believe that these people would assimilate to their country ! So the question remains why are we forced to feel shame and pity by our media and governments for what is nothing more than a weaponised enforced immigartion. What will happen you ask, well the host countries citezens will find themselves in the space of a decade or two as the minority and their country and future in that country will be at an end. Then they too will become refugees fleeing the new populations desire to install their law on the very people that had welcomed them so warmly naivly years before !! Christians are bred to be loving and in the eyes of Muslims weak !!

Although this may be correct in some cases I believe that there are always multiple stories/narratives going on at a single time. The systematic destruction of "white christian lands" or probably better categorized as Judeo-Christian values is something that is not new. Only now the US is funding the groups that are against these values which makes it seem like there is more. If we're being honest with ourselves this war has been going on for 1400 years.

What's illuminating about this video is it shows that the community has an opportunity to support private corporations that do proper screening and help newcomers who are willing and wanting to integrate with our society to do so. It's in their best interest as a corporation to make sure these families get properly integrated because they would go broke in lawsuits if anything went wrong.

The government especially in Canada is control by global banks and their supporting special interest groups. If you follow the money the refugee program is one of the most profitable schemes known to government. Especially if they get the people to fear the refugees. This allows them to instill more laws because people want more protection in times of fear. Don't fall for their trap. Only believe your direct experience.

It's exactly the agenda. Divide and conquer. The Babylon and Islam agendas align, so they are working together. Did you know that inside the dome of the rock is the left half of the USA, topographically.. the promised land west of the misissippi.

I've heard these things yes. It's a narrative that has been heavily funded in the media and on the ground but I think pointing these things out is like shouting at the mask and not the man(Government/Counsel of Foreign Affairs). Best bet if you're living in a place that you fear is to move. Some parts of South America would be recommended if you're leaving because of political tension.

uh, it's nothing like that. You have no idea what is going on in this world, and the agendas in play... What appears like fear, is not fear. It's disgust and anger. Also, who packs up and runs like a coward? I was born here. Just because I am aware of the agenda, and the motive, and the facts, does not make me scared.

There's no need to state your presuppositions on what you think I know. There are many games being played, but you gotta ask yourself whats your meta-game? Your defending the notion of not giving up a border created by the ones that enslave us. For me the individual always comes before the country. I'm more inclined to leave as I believe in non-violence(not a pacifist). You're reaction to thinking you've realized who the enemy may not be fear, but it is the motivation of fear the makes you react initially. Let's say the media was noble and 24/7 they we're talking about how the government is killing citizens overseas and funding the very same terrorists groups they're claiming to fight at the same time all while creating false flag attacks within the nation. I'm sure the public would have a very different tune they'd be singing. I'm currently reading the Gulag Archipelago. Reading this has made me realize that when the tides are in motion resistance is futile. We've seen this time and time again.

I'm not expert but it seems to me that you only have to look no further than Iraq and Iran on the long term effects of people refusing to assimilate to the host country. Iraq and Iran started off as non Islamic Nations. It wasn't until the Muslims/Arabic invasion during the 600-700's when they became Muslim Nations. So what do you think will happen to the U.S. if they see 1,000,000 new Muslim refugees annually? The part I think people get hung up on and I believe it's intentional (due to the media) is there is a difference between Immigrant and refugees. Immigrants are usually people looking to move some where by choice, refugees are running for their lives. Refugees aren't here because their chasing the American dream. So to expect one to assimilate to the American way of life is foolish.

Its a new world order plot to bring north america to the 3rd world level, so everyone is the same and can be enslaved equally.

This is a religious war as most wars are. Democrats and Republicans cater to individual religions or different religious sects for votes. They believe the end justifies the means.

They are not refugees. They are migrants, and in many cases criminals.

Youve seen paris lately right?

You do an amazing job. Congratulations :)

What we have is an illegal fighting age islamic invasion. Over 25,000 across the borders so far this year illegally. These are not refugees.

Wow you post most nice @pressfortruth

very enlightening post.

they coming for Canada?? strange

those syrian kids realy need help

Refugees are more of a problem if anything. Their failure to assimilate into American culture is detrimental to the well being of the population.

Trudeu government just wants to import more potential who will depend on government subsidies and welfare...