"As the United States and Russia escalate this proxy Syrian conflict, the US, as NATO, is pushing against Russian borders in Eastern Europe.
Thousands of NATO troops have been amassed in Eastern Europe. And with Hillary Clinton, or Killary, the neocon war hawk likely to win the US presidential race, the march to war almost seems inevitable." - Dan Dicks
In my opinion, and the way I feel, Russia isn't trying to war with anyone. People keep putting these headlines out, that sell people on that Russia has these pretentions, and I don't think they do.
Russia is quite happy building its economy and its sovereignty in a legitimate world economy and it is willing to defend its rights to do so.
Russia will never make the first strike. But it is willing to defend itself. I am just saying what I feel without using facts to support it. I think I'm right.
The whole thing is so obviously manufactured, in my opinion. You know, in every case from iraq to syria to libya, the real motivation behind the war was to shut own something that was going to disrupt the petrodollar and/or central banking system. Russia's central bank is not controlled by the group that controls the central banks in the rest of the world.
Russia's debt to GDP ratio is 18%. They almost don't owe these bankers anything, either. Is it any wonder that they have been trying to stop Russian oil and gas from being sold in Europe? I have been told that the exports are quite heavily taxed, and I can only surmise that those taxes have been going to paying down the debt, and not a lot else, this is quite extraordinary.
Russian agriculture is booming at the moment also. I think that actually, even with all the EU, AU, UK, Canada and USA combined, and considering how thinly spread already is US an other NATO military, whereas because Russia is no longer the giant USSR, all her soldiers are guarding only Russia, (Though perhaps holding chechnya an siberia an a few other territories is a bit of a waste, they are not terribly strategic anyway)...
Better have the ww3 sooner so we can have our happy endings.
Seriously this world is no place to live people taking whatever they want by force, there is no balance of anything, how many people are suffering and are in no good condition of living?
More than 70% of the population are in pain and can't have a saying in anything, we all are connected so when most of us live in misery I'm sure the rest could feel it but they just care about themselves.
This is the downside of having a creation and giving them free will.
There are only 100 million people really enjoying their lives by taking what is rightfully for the rest of the people on earth.
What would the world be like if Russia was obliterated? How wold the rest of the world think of America?
Same if Russia obliterated America. How would they world look at them?
Considering it is one of the stupidest reason to go to war with anyone, especially the worlds leading nuclear powers.
I think American gov is like "we lose this election no matter what so lets take the world with us."
id be more comfortable with the US obliterated than Russia.
well i am from the US but to sit back and look at whar our government has done to innocent hunan beings makes me sick!
Obama Administration Preparing Covert Cyber Strike on Russia
Read more: https://sputniknews.com/politics/201610151046353923-obama-cyber-strike-russia/