When Dan Dicks of Press For Truth warned Marc Emery
about how dangerous and irresponsible his actions were in regards to championing for the election of Justin Trudeau he now famously responded “your concerns are not my concerns!”
This comment has gone down as the greatest blunder in the history of the cannabis movement in Canada and the Emery’s owe the Canadian people an apology for their role in electing the man who is taking away all of our rights when it comes to “legalizing” cannabis in Canada.
You can use the search feature on the Press For Truth YouTube channel and search the word “cannabis” to see the incredibly extensive work Dan has produced to warn the Canadian people about what the liberals have in store when it comes to monopolizing the entire cannabis industry.
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth continues his warnings as he breaks down the latest rules and regulations tabled in BC in the lead up to the legalization of cannabis in Canada.
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Marc Emery was 100% wrong on this.
You were 100% right, Dan.
Mark's a douche. He's in on the take. Trudeau govt are going to give him and jodi stock options, and other perks. They will have a card blanche while everyone else suffers. No they're not his concerns, because none of negative issues will effect him or his porn star wife. (fun on the farm with jodi). They'll get to market their shit, and grow whatever they want and no one or nothing will ever bother them. His success will be our suffering. He's stupid ass big mouth, with a huge ego to fill. someone needs to crack him in the nuts. cuz he's used b.c. for his own personal praise.
Although I don't indulge in the medicinal herb, I don't have a problem with it.
Buen Post ,pero pienso que debe usarse para uso medico,saludos.
nice post, legalization cannabis for medical
I ran across Jodie Emery's article in the Ottawa Citizen the other day.
All I could think was, "It's not like you weren't warned."
Dan- Hope your DASH proposal is successful. Come to CannMed 2018 if you can. Some discussion on it during the April 27th The Cannabis Connection Radio Show. http://ksco.com/shows/43015-the-cannabis-connection
Just come and grow with us here, we dont have lots of bullshit, just get your licence and grow what you like. I live in Zimbabwe and last week, the government announced the legalisation of growing cannabis for medical and scientific reasons. Registration and licencing add up to US$77,500. I own a 60 hactare farmland, fertile and with sunshine all year round. I am looking forward to be one of the first-movers in the country in this newly created industry. I am also looking for an expert and investor to partner with on this project. Zimbabwe has potential to be one of the lowest cost producers and the regulation is not stringent. Kindly get in touch with me on Telegram @VaMbire
"I told that Marky boy! Should have listestened bra!"
Its a plant, we have business men treating it the way they do the corrupt medical industry.
They want profit, they all have their hands up all the politicians backsides on so so so many topics why would this also not be the case foe our current democratic puppet man?
We need to treat it like we would a tomato.
Not a drug
Nothing is altered, its grown without chemical alteration. Its nonlethal and those who already partake partake anyway weather its legal or not.
Nature never was illegal, man made law is the same corruption we see in Dogma in history. :p
Lets go TPB style and make our own hashcoins like Ricky lol. New currency.
Hashcoin! ☆