Canadians Should Not Trust Their Government - Here's Why

in #news7 years ago (edited)

In a recent poll looking into which countries trust their governments the most

Canadians ranked in at the number two spot with 62% of Canadians feeling confident in their government so

in this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth lays out the facts as to why Canadians should not trust their government while also showing how this can and will be used as a blueprint for even global servitude.

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After watching this video, I can't trust our government or mainstream media anymore.

Glad you brought this up. And, living in Canada, I can totally see how that statistic is true. I mean I get a huge sense of reliance and trust in our government from people that I encounter, and this idea that Canada is a peaceful, accepting country. But at the end of the day, has Trudeau actually done anything of much benefit for our country? And a lot of the things he has done are very suspicious concerning who's interests he may be acting based upon. Anyway, that's just my two cents. Very relevant post :)

Shouldn't trust any government of any country. All crooks

You may well be correct - but then again it is counter-productive to use too broad a brush as you never know if you'll end up tarring individuals who are genuinely trying but are caught up in a power-consolidating system that suppresses minority voices - even within the halls of power.

You sould never depend on the government!

Not just Canadians

Came here to say this. No one should trust there government. Everyone should always question power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Agreed. When we get complacent, they take advantage.

Who takes these surveys anyway? Like how do they know 62% of Canadians trust their government?

They ask a few thousends from all relevant parts of society and then extrapolate from there.

It's just weird that nobody I know ever gets surveyed

It's safe to say that humans would be best advised not to trust anyone claiming to represent an artificial hierarchy. I don't really trust people who think they are from a nation ;)
Nations are from us, not the other way around. 1

@ura-soul, It is flipped backwards isn't it. And we still tell ourselves that the gov't are just public servants as if that somehow refers to us as the people being served. I don't feel served at all. Quite the contrary. It refers to the hierarchy (like the Queen) not the average Joe. We are the real servants in that relationship.

@ura-soul, thanks going to read that one!

Great, thanks. :)

Man, I read your blog. That kind of stuff gets me fired up. "We the people" are more like, "We the sheep". We need to be more like France, they protest like crazy and I think the Government fears them more. In the US, if you say anything bad, your tagged as unpatriotic or a nut.

America is heavily targetting for absolute control and tyranny precisely because it represents a kind of potential for free will expression that the controllers always seek to deny. If a population will enslave itself then there is no need for overt enslavement by the controllers and so that is how they seek to go about the enslavement - covertly and through agreement of the enslaved! Europe, generally has enslaved itself already through adaptation of beliefs and a culture which claims to be 'civilised' but which usually just results in self control and thus loss of personal power. instead of self control, we need balance and balance doesn't involve control!
there's no point in modelling ourselves on other people, since few people are truly balanced at this point and we are all unique anyway... my suggestions is to learn to understand how to balance as an individual and to then continue that balance on into the rest of life. this is ultimately what I am sharing about at this time, since it is the most important message needed now - i have written a few posts here that address this directly, I feel that the heart healing series is a good place to start. <3

Thanks for the read @ura-soul. Will check it out!

I scanned your post titles. Following you most definitely now!

Great, thanks - I'm following you back!

Actually there is nothing wrong with thinking that one is from a geographic location, especially when there is historic basis for such. :c)

After all, it could arguably be stated that one's forefathers have toiled and mucked about to produce the good and ill that one is born into.

Of course this applies far less to an individual who arrives in a geographic location (not having the historical roots to lay claim to such) - but there is no reason why such an individual cannot begin contributing in the here and now.

I did find interesting the suggestion that 'Nations are from us, not the other way around'. There is truth to this.

The issue is clarified by delving into the topic of reincarnation. If this is done correctly you will discover that you have probably lived in other times and places, so attaching to a particular region in this life is limiting and misleading at best. I started a series on this topic a while ago and will return to it soon:

That is an interesting perspective - especially considering that I hold a none-too-dissimilar view on reincarnation. I'll definitely give your post a look a little later today.

Very good, ok. I also referenced Michael Newton. I will follow you - in a non religious way ;)

Sorry that it took this long to get back to you. It is the first time that I've encountered another person influenced by Dr. Newton's works. :c) Followed back, - in a non-stalkerish way. ;c)

No problem - I take your delay in replying to be a demonstration that you aren't, in fact, a stalker.. or are at least a slow one, which assures me I am somewhat safe :) lol

I wrote whole post some weeks ago about Trudeau and his communist father...he's an awful SJW and lover of Casto.

Polls are usually taken by those who are currently comfortable enough to....
Polls and stats are just not accurate.

I can't tell the names of the companies I worked for, however I have done surveys and polls in the past....our government is painting a rather distorted reality lately.

The Liberal, Conservative and NDP parties all have their own way of running Canada but all three parties are heavily compromised by the same private interest groups.

Upvoted and also resteemed!

Canada, more correctly, your PM, just paid a terrorist $10mil. He admitted to killing soldiers in Afghanistan and spent time in Gitmo. Sad to see what is going on up north. But that is what happens when a drama teacher leads a country.

It's awful isn't it. What an embarrassment and smear on the rest of us. But Trudeau doesn't care. He's no Canadian, he's just another globalist.

P.S. Thanks for acknowledging that it's not all Canadians just our PM.

By the way, The Rebel Media in response has started an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign to raise $1M for the slain U.S. soldier Sgt. Chris Speer's surviving children. It's here: Spread the word!

If one were to look at various governments, renowned or infamous, one would find that they very often exist at odds with a majority of the population.

Oh yes, sure they may technically have won an election here and there but a fair portion of their voter base will be found to consist of persons whose sentiments range from 'me too' to 'I'd best play my cards right'.

Of course then there would come the 'casually intrigued' and 'partially agreed'. And beyond them would come those 'on the gravy train' and the hardcore supporting minority. Hardcore because their opinions might almost as well be set in stone.

To bring this full-circle, such governments may exercise power over their people but they are not their people.

Thankfully people are waking up to this reality - which is why the cheap discrediting term 'anti-American' is being used less and less. It is because the most effective comeback is to claim a clear difference between being anti-government and anti-people. Many Canadians are lovely people, and many Americans are lovely people too. However 'stuff' is happening in the World regardless and it the 'people' aren't the reason why...

Agreed @pathforger. If we could cast aside disagreements with our neighbors for a moment we would likely find so much in common, at least in our desires and hopes to lead peaceful fulfilling lives.

But as you are aware the masses are better controlled when kept in perpetual conflict with each other.

Nothing short of a shift in paradigm will change things. And the power to do so is closer than we think.

The first step is to strive to be superior in perspective (and there is nothing wrong with being superior in perspective - such is a misconception), first in specific things - and then more broadly so - leaving no stone unturned and no source unexplored - lest a gem be missed.

The second step is to push back. Use the afforded channels that the powers that ought not be cannnot afford to close off as they would show themselves up to be the pocket tyrants that they are - even to their own supporters. Use the channel to push back against their inferior perspectives and keep score.

The third step is to render them irrelevant. That will involve some risk - and again may take niche forms at first.

I am proud as hell to be one of the 38% of that statistic.

Canadians are the worst of the bunch for holding their gov't accountable for anything. We just go along with outright corruption and lies and tell ourselves that it's just not possible that they are corrupt because it would be all over the news if it were true.

But the fools we are, we don't even realize that our news is just a state run (or state bought and paid for) branch of the gov't. So there are only sunshine and rainbows (or sunny days) on the news.

Just look at Ontario for a prime example. Corruption and waste for the last decade and we just keep voting the exact same people in. Aren't we so polite. Such an embarrassment. Canadians must be the laughing stock of the whole world. We are essentially gutless morons (well at least 62% of us).

Great video. I wonder if there is only one trustworthy government in the world.

Oh and... you could also have tagged this #colorchallenge #mondayred. :D

Awesome post Dan! I love what you are doing and I just sent you an email, just so you have a way to know it was really me.

Take care my friend.

Honey, no one should trust any politician, media outlet (mainstream or alternative), or anyone else who presents 'facts' all nicely packaged for them. We have something in between our ears called a 'brain'. It was put there for us to use. This process is called 'thinking'. We are supposed to do it ourselves, instead of letting someone else do it for us. But... . All I hear these days are people parroting what they have heard from someone else. Yes, I don't think Trudeau is trustworthy, but I didn't think he was before he became P.M. However, everyone wanted to believe he'd legalize mary-jane, so he got the vote. Stupid is as stupid does. Now instead of fighting 'the other side', as they are doing in the States, why not fight the real enemy? Or, maybe just let the two sides kill each off, and then get to the business at hand of replacing a whoring-machine.

Going also to watch this, soon... NOW! :)

Interested in an enlightening exercise? Try finding mention of "personal property rights" within the Canadian constitution.
And then ask yourself ....why not?
When in parliament the suggestion was made that Canada should catch up to china and enshrine individual property rights into it's constitution the response was open laughter.
Find the video on youtube...its there.